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I had been working late again. I had been at the library working on an assignment and I was now walking to the bus stop, sure I could of walked home but it was cold and my neighborhood wasn't  the safest.

At the bus stop I was met with a young man around his 20s , he looked at me and smiled groggly, he reeked of alcohol and was probably heavily intoxicated too. I decided in the end to keep my distance from him and sit as far away as I possibly could.

The bus soon arrived and I got on at the back, I scanned the back of the bus for a place to sit i found one quite far back but nothing seemed wrong with it, while walking to it i passed someone with a white hoodie with the hood up just looking right down at their phone. the hood had some kind of splatter on it like mud or blood? no definitely mud. He reeked of sweat, alcohol and something else that i really couldnt place my head on.

I sat down and put in my headphones, I put on my favourite song, pyramids by frank ocean. and looked out the window.

the bus was now getting close to my stop and I put my headphones away and started  to go towards the doors when suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist, I look back to see the man in the white hood, he was still looking down

"uhm sir, this is my stop could you please let go?" I asked softly.

he pulled me in closer and put his head on my shoulders. teh stench of sweat, alcohol and the other smell filled my nose and i tried to pull away.

I was so creeped out so i just yanked my hand back and started walking to my apartment. I got my keys and unlocked my front door and stepped into the dark hallway.
I made my way to my kitchen to quickly grab a snack and a drink and then I went straight to my room and closed the door.

I dont really remember what happened next but one thing is sure, I fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night. 

It was pitch black in my room, my tv had turned itself off, my throat was burning i needed some water and probably an ibuprofen. i walked out into my kitchen almost tripping over my cat, Nuit which means night in french. She meowed and followed me to the counter. I got my glass of water, ibuprofen and some chips, I then slowly made my way over back to my room to sit down in my bed and watch The Cleveland show.

Right before I fell asleep I heard how someone cursed loudly, it didn't sound like anyone from the cleveland show but I shrugged it off as being a new character and fell asleep.


470 words


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