Gonna Rock some Sheetrock

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Chase's POV:

With my cock still buried inside of her, I lifted us from the stairs and began to climb them once more. When I reached the top, the rustic looking console table caught my eye. Images of her spread wide while I ate her pussy popped into mind making my cock spring to life. When I'd stood from the stairs, I hadn't had the intention of having her within only a handful of minutes but damn if I could fight not having her. Her pussy seemed to beckon me, and I was damn sure about to give into that calling.

"And I think we start here." I said, using an arm to clear the console and making the items fall to the ground with a crash. I could care less that the vase of hydrangeas had shattered and spilled water on the floor. I could care less that the candles had clattered to the floor and were rolling around beneath my feet. I'd replace the vase and the fucking floors if I had to because in the moment, I only cared about one thing. Well two things actually because as I thought about the candles, an image of Delilah stretched out over the bed as I dripped hot wax over her filled my mind. Just one more thing to try this weekend...

Committing the candle scene to memory, I settled her down onto the now cleared console and dropped to my knees as my body screamed in protect because I wasn't buried inside of her sweet heat any longer. Just give me 5 minutes and you'll be back inside her. I was about to bury my face in her pussy when her nails dug into my scalp forcing me to look up at her. "Chase, you can't" she said, her skin blushing at the thought of me eating her out while she was still filled with my seed. She didn't have to say the words, I knew what she was thinking. No, it wasn't something I had even done with anyone but with Delilah is has always been different. I've always done things that I never imagined I would do. Like taking a woman to the house you said no woman other than your mama would ever step foot in...

"Oh, but I am baby." I said, pushing her legs wide and ignoring the voice in my head. I gazed at her bare pussy seeing how slick she was from both her arousal and my seed, and it made the animal in me want to be beat its chest with animalistic pride. "That tight little cunt of yours is always so fucking wet and ready. I fucking love it." Delilah inhaled sharply at my use of the word cunt.

I let my eyes trail up her body slowly taking in the picture before me. Tanned legs spread wide, bra and the remains of her shirt parted as it hung from her like a vest. Fucking Christ, she looked like something out of a playboy pin up. And I was the lucky son of a bitch that got to see it firsthand. Not for the first time, I caught myself wondering just how the son of a bitch she was married to could have been looking for anything other than what Delilah had to offer because I knew for a fucking fact I would walk to the ends of the earth on hot fucking coals in order to bury my cock in her pussy. But I guess that's the difference between men and boys...

Hooded, honey brown eyes watched me as I took it all in before I began trailing biting kisses up the inside of her thigh, traveling further north until I was mere inches from her dripping core. "Hold on tight baby, I'm going to eat this pussy and then I'm going to fuck you so thoroughly that you won't even remember what your name is." I said, making her whimper in delight. Closing the distance, I licked the flat of my tongue from her still creamy core to her clit and back, soaking my tongue in the mixture of our shared releases making Delilah's head fall back on her shoulders and bump against the wall with a thud. With each pass of my tongue over her swollen folds, she moaned and fought for me to lick her in just the right spot. But I avoided it because as much as I wanted her to cum, I wanted to prolong this so that I could continue to have her taste on my tongue since the saltiness of our combined releases mixing with the sweet taste that was all Delilah was hedonistic and made me desperate for more.

When her legs began to tremble, I flicked my tongue over the hardened bundle of nerves at he same time as I slipped two fingers inside of her pussy, hooking them in a way that was sure to have the top of her head flying off. Sure enough, all it had taken was my long fingers stoking over that spot and she had fallen to pieces, screaming my name as she came.

Just like I said I was going to do, I didn't give her time to even attempt to come down from the high before I stood, gripped her hips tightly and told her to hook her ankles around my waist. She did so without hesitation. Fisting my raging cock in my hand, I aligned the tip with her pussy and pistoned my hips forward, filling her to completion on one hard thrust. My body wanted me to hold myself there, to just relish in the feeling of her quivering walls squeezing my cock like a vice, but the desire that was fueling my system was screaming at me to move. And that's what I did, repeatedly as the feeling of her pussy spasming with each thrust and retreat stroked the flames of desire within us both. I knew this was going to be hard, fast, and over way too soon but we had the whole fucking weekend and about a hundred surfaces and places to cover. There was time for slow and passionate.

My gray eyes locked with her honey brown ones as I continued to drive into her with so much force that there was the possibility that the console could go through the drywall, just one more thing that I would gladly fix. If we keep this up, I'll be rebuilding and redecorating the entire house...

That tingle was at the base of my spine and I ramped up my thrusts. The crack of drywall mixed with her moans and my growls. But when she found her release once more and screamed my name, I couldn't have cared less if the ceiling was falling down on the two of us. Because when her pussy gripped my cock trying to hold it inside, it pulled my orgasm from me in a rush, making my knees feel like there had suddenly been replaced with Jell-O. I collapsed onto her; my face buried in her chest as I rode out every last aftershock of our release.

"Well, it seems I still remember my name." said Delilah, her breathing labored but her tone teasing as she reminded me of my earlier promise. "But I have to know, is that something you leaned in one of those books?". 

"Nope. Come up with that one on my own." I replied. Drawing the nipple closest to my mouth in before biting it and quickly releasing it, I looked up at her. "Thinking I might write my own little novella by the time I'm done with you this weekend."

"Well, I happen to know an editor who would publish whatever you write." She said with a smirk.

"That so?" I said, her smirk contagious.

"Indeed. You're looking at her."

"Well, in that case, I guess we better get busy coming up with all the needed details for the next book you're going to publish. Chase & Delilah: An Erotic Guide for the ages." I said as I stood. As I did, my cock fell from her pussy, and I looked down at it. The appendage was drenched in our combined juices and still semi hard even after two explosive orgasms that should have left me complete sated. But just as it had been that weekend in Nashville, when it came to Delilah, I was quickly learning that I could never get enough. 

"Are you part Energizer bunny?" Said Delilah, seeing that my cock was well on the way to being fully erect all over again.

"You have no idea baby. I just keep going, and going, and going." I said, lifting her from the console and walking us towards the bedroom. "Want me to prove just how long I can go?"

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