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Element of Water

She stood in front of a gargoyle statue, Orpheus stood strong, he had never seen so many wizards in one place before. They might have been children and young teens, he knew the power they possessed could do a lot of harm even if they weren't old enough to understand it.

Tamara had a consistent headache from the minute she stepped into the castle, hearing mindless chatter of people's thoughts. She could barely hear her own, she saw first-hand the abilities of her Siren nature many boys couldn't take their eyes off her. She had to question if what Regulus felt was truthful.

"This is a bad idea," she heard her uncle tell her.

"We're here now no turning back,"

"We can still leave-

The gargoyle turned to reveal a staircase they walked up, Orpheus stood eyed the headmaster cautiously, he seemed different to wizards he had passed in the halls. Like he was hiding something, a hidden motive or piece of knowledge he was withholding.

"I received your letter of admission, for Miss...

"Roephus," her uncle said, Siren's do not typically have surnames, he had to make one up for her.

"Miss Roephus, It would be a pleasure to educate a young Siren, though I must ask how you intend to disguise your abilities,"

"I know many things about wizardry, I know your wands are merely a tool, she should be good with one,"

"Very well, I took the liberties of purchasing this for you, as well as your school robes," he handed her a pair of black robes, with a green and silver tie.

"I thought I was to be sorted?" she questioned

"The sorting only sorts wizards since you are not one, it would not sort you accurately, place you the house you would fit into most." he explained, she nodded, "Slytherin house's element is water, you are a creature the dwells in the water, that is why you are placed in Slytherin," her uncle eyed his cautious, he could fool Tamara but not him. "This is Professor Slughorn, he will be your head of the house, any questioned you have you may ask him,"

"Might you show you to the dormitories," she nodded, he guided the two Siren out of the office, walking down every set of stairs right to the bottom of the dungeons. "You shall not need a password to enter, I enchanted the doors to allow you in," she nodded, as he walked away her uncle held her arm preventing for from entering.

"Be careful, I don't trust that Dumbledore,"

"He seemed nice to me,"

"I've seen my fair share of wizards he's one I'd avoid," she nodded hugging him tightly, "trust your instincts, they might just save your life,"

"I'll be fine," she said, watching him as he left, she took a deep breath walking into the common room, it seemed different to the view she had from the window.

Many eyes were drawn to her, her heart rose to her throat, she didn't know if it was their curiosity or her siren attraction that caught their attention. She shook off the thought walking towards the room Professor Slughorn had told her about, she heard everyone's thoughts.

'Fuck, I'll have to get to know her better,'

'She isn't that beautiful, I don't why all the boys are staring,'

Hearing their most private thought, made her uneasy. She shouldn't be listening to their thoughts, she quickly close her bedroom door behind her, clutching her head, she had never tried to block out this many thoughts before. She took a deep breath, counting to ten, hoping to stabilise her mind, she called for him, 'Regulus if you can hear me, I need you,'

She waited for him, taking a look around her room, taking a book from her tall pile of school books. 'Potions? Regulus said he was working on one' she thought looking through the book. She creased her brows at the ingredients, newt eyes, newt spleen, kelpie hair. She closed the book, thinking of her aquatic friends, the kelpie she frequent played with, 'would wizards kill him for his hair'

"Hey, I heard you are you alright?" she hurried to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, a small tear rolled from her face.

"It's just more difficult than I thought," she whispered, he held her arms, giving her a reassuring look,

"I'll help you, answer any question you have, I promise," she smiled at him, "do you have any questions?"

"How do I do this she held her school tie?" he smiled at her, taking his off, he stood her in front of the mirror, she watched his reflection, copying his actions, as he tied his tie around his neck.

"Just push the top up, flip your collar down and there we go,"

"Who taught you?" she asked, not imaging that a young child would just know how to do it.

"My brother did," she looked down at the floor

"Do you miss him?" she asked already knowing the answer,

"Sometimes, but it's better if we're apart,"

"How is it, I already miss my sisters-

"It's different, he left me, he could have taken me with him but he didn't," he sighed, clapping his hands "right shall I introduce you to my friends,"

"Not Avery or Mulciber, I don't feel comfortable around them, their thoughts are unsettling," she admitted, he creased his brows wondering what she might have heard for her to feel unsettled around them.

"Okay, Barty then," he held her hands walking her out of her room, the mindless chatting clouded her mind again. He sat down on a sofa, she sat beside him.

"Well who's this beautiful girl, and what is she doing with you?"

"Tamara this is Barty," he held her hand, lifting it up to kiss her knuckles.

"Pleasure to meet you, how'd you two know each other,"

"Family friends," he said, she nodded

"Yes, I had known him for quite some time now,"

"You hope to be betrothed to her?" Barty questioned, "I'll marry her if you don't"  she heard, shifting in her seat.

"No, we're friends,"

"Friends is that all?" she questioned

"Go with it," she heard his thought.

"Yes, old friends,"

In My Mind | 𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘶𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now