chapter 213: What You Seed is What You Get part 1

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Natasha: caught red handed, how dare you, you rotten watermelon thieves!

Jacob: What, you mean these melons are yours?

Natasha:Yeah isn't Obvious I mean A whole bunch of them together!

Jacob: Look, we didn't steal anything.

Natasha: you got a lot of nerve to say that, (pointed at the sliced up watermelon) well the evidence is right here.

She then grabbed a slice and ate some as she spitted out the seeds

Natasha: a watermelon like this, a watermelon so sweet, so juicy, so perfectly red and ripe could only have been grown by Natasha the melon master!

Brock: I'm sure you're probably right about that but we didn't steal 'em.

Jacob: Yeah, we found them floating in the river .

May: it's true, we didn't know they belonged to anyone.

Natasha: SAVE IT SISTER a confession before this gets any harder!

Jacob: Listen we didn't steal them okay what do we have to do to prove it to you .

Just then an electrode disguised as a watermelon appeared

May: ah a giant watermelon rolling around on its own!

Jacob: That is not a melon, it's an electrode.

Natasha: take a good look electrode, these are the no-good watermelon thieves you ran into before, aren't they!

Electrode looked that them but nodded no

Natasha: hm, what?! They aren't'?! Uh oh, I've done it again, (embarrassed blush) my mistake, sometimes i get a little carried away to protect my watermelons, it's perfectly reasonable, i'm sure you understand how it is (embarrassed laugh). I'm sorry! There is no excuse for this!

Jacob: hey hey it's okay, this happens a lot more often than you think, im jacob by the way.

Natasha:names natasha! I owned the missing watermelons, sorry again hehe.

Jacob: It's fine, I will admit you make some pretty good watermelons here.

Natasha:Thanks! But still we need to find out the true thieves because they are still out there.

Jacob: I see, well I would be glad to help you.

Natasha:That's nice and I'll gladly accept it! Now then where should we start checking?

Jacob: I would suggest where electrodes last saw them, can you lead us to that spot.

Natasha:alright! Electrode mind taking us where the last you spotted them?

Electrode nodded as it lead the way


The group was now in the watermelon patch which was huge

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