Chapter Four: Creature

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     Jonathan chose to visit his father's place in the hope that his brother might be there

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     Jonathan chose to visit his father's place in the hope that his brother might be there. I couldn't dampen that hope, and the truth was so far-fetched that I couldn't say anything at the moment. Meanwhile, I returned to the forest, determined to find any clues that could lead me to Will.

Leaves crunched beneath my feet as I traversed the forest. My eyes remained vigilant, avoiding any potential trip hazards. Birds tweeted in the air, prompting me to glance upward as some flew away. Suddenly, a root sticking up caused me to trip, and I fell forward, using my hands to break the fall. I grunted upon impact and felt a sharp pain in my right palm. Though the fall wasn't severe, I quickly got on my knees and examined my hand, discovering a small shard of glass embedded in it. With my other hand, I removed the shard, staining it with blood that also started to drip down. I observed a single droplet falling to the ground, hitting a leaf.

An uneasy feeling washed over me, and a twig snapping in the distance made me shoot to my feet, focusing on the source of the sound. My eyes scanned the surroundings rapidly, catching a glimpse of a giant shadow running from one tree to another in my peripheral vision. It appeared again on the other side, seemingly mocking me as I turned around.

"What are you!?" I shouted, my voice echoing through the woods. The air became silent, and the shadow figure disappeared. I did a full circle hastily, hoping to catch sight of it, but it remained elusive. A low growl reverberated, seemingly from above. I slowly raised my head to the high branches of the surrounding trees, and there I saw it.

The creature roared and pounced from the tree branch, heading straight for me. Reacting swiftly, I raised my hands to the oncoming beast. Red wisps of energy traced along my fingertips and extended a few inches in front. The creature locked onto the force field I created as I stared at this menacing entity. Its mouth opened, emitting a roar. Its entire face was a mouth with sharp, pointy teeth on every flap. I thrust both my hands up, sending the energy field out so fast that it didn't have time to react.

The creature shattered the branch it stood on as the energy field dissipated. I watched as it landed on all fours, roaring in my direction. One at a time, I extended my hands, generating balls of red energy in each palm. The creature, moving like a beast, charged towards me, and I was prepared. I threw my hand, propelling a red energy ball, but the creature agilely dodged it. It continued dodging the subsequent attacks, proving to be swift. However, as it closed in, the energy balls hit it, disrupting its trajectory.

"Come on, you ugly creature!" I yelled, feeling a surge of anger. The creature began circling me, attempting to disorient and catch me off guard. Seizing the opportunity, it leapt, knocking me off my feet. The beast advanced, poised to attack and potentially bite my head off. Miraculously, I managed to raise my hands above my chest and in front of its massive head and teeth. A barrier of red energy enveloped the creature's head, holding it back. The force was formidable, stronger than anything I had encountered. Straining against its pressure, I struggled as it inched closer and closer. In a final, desperate effort, I thrust both my hands out, propelling the creature away from me and deeper into the forest.

Taking deep breaths, I sat up to witness it crash onto the forest floor. Realizing that victory wasn't feasible in this open space, I quickly scrambled to my feet and started running as fast as my legs could carry me. Thoughts raced through my mind about what I was dealing with, but the creature's pursuit was relentless. Focused solely on surviving, I reached the main road into Hawkins in no time. Spinning around to glance back, I saw that the creature was no longer in sight. It had inexplicably vanished into thin air. Completely unsure of what I was up against, it resembled a nightmare-fuelled monster.


The following morning arrived, and I noticed Jonathan entering a bit late. He appeared a bit off, but I didn't pry, feeling exhausted after my encounter with that mysterious creature. Despite Joyce offering me some clothes, they turned out to be too loose, so I simply washed and reused my own. Taking charge, I prepared breakfast for the Byers, hoping Joyce could muster the appetite to eat. Placing the final plate on the table, I observed Jonathan emerging from Will's room, clad in just boxers and a white shirt.

"Morning," I greeted, sensing his distance. "How's your Mom?" I inquired, aware that she was in Will's room.

"She thinks Will is talking to her through the lights," he replied, adding a chuckle. He found it peculiar and hard to believe.

"People cope differently, and this is a tough time for her, and you," I consoled, recalling the descriptions of Will as a beloved and sweet boy. Jonathan nodded in agreement before pulling out a chair and settling at the table.

"I didn't know you could cook," he remarked, eyeing the pancakes topped with bacon.

"Full of surprises," I laughed. "I would have added more, but your fridge is a bit bare," I tried to lighten the mood, easing their worries.

"I know... Mom's been... Occupied," Jonathan admitted, taking up his knife and fork to start on his breakfast.

"Joyce! Breakfast!" I called down the hallway, ensuring she could hear and probably smell it. However, she remained engrossed in her own world. Sitting across from Jonathan, I began my own meal. "You came in late. Where were you?" I questioned after a few silent moments of eating.

"Uh, ah... Just taking pictures, trying to find Will," he responded hesitantly, avoiding eye contact. "Erm, what happened to you?" He gestured to the bandage around my right hand.

"I fell," I explained, omitting the part where I was chased by a strange, slimy monster. "Cut my hand on a piece of glass." Taking a bite of pancake, I noticed him making a 'hmm' sound before doing the same.

"Do you want to come with me to school?" Unexpected, his question caught me off guard, reflecting the genuine surprise on my face. "I-I have some photos I got to develop and could do with the company," it was a harmless offer, and the chance to bond and make a new friend seemed appealing.

"Sure," I agreed, and he appeared surprised by my response, possibly not accustomed to conversing with girls. He simply smiled at me, and I returned the gesture. The remainder of our breakfast was consumed in silence. Joyce didn't join us, engrossed in her anticipation of Will reaching out to her through the lights.

The creature lingered in my thoughts; I saw itwhen I closed my eyes and in my dreams. There was something undeniablyotherworldly about it. I had a feeling it wouldn't be the last time I'dencounter that creature.



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