Chapter 1

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"Hello" - Normal speech
Hello - actions
Hello - Time skips
Hello - Loud or Serious/Angry
'Hello' - Thoughts

In the M.O.N HQ

Ms. Smith was sitting in a empty room, similiar to an Interrogation room, only difference was that there was no secret window or any camera's except for a singular Steel door, a Titanium table and 2 rolling chairs, Ms. Smith was currently sitting at the chair facing the Steel door, soon after a few minutes the door opened to reveal two legs, being so tall the figure decided to just teleport in rather then cause damage to the room or wall.

Dragon: "Hello Miss Smith, I am Unahzaal Dragon Rah, But you may just call me Dragon." He simply smiled softly, despite being so tall and muscular, the warmth in his eyes and smile was that of a Father, Older Brother, even that of a Granpa looking at his Grandchildren, his expression only radiated warmth and love.

Smith: "Hello Mr. Dragon, as you know, my name is Ms. Smith, so as you said over the phone that you wish to put your son into our Program so he could experience what it's like to be with Humans and other Monster's?" She smiled back at him, enjoying the warm and comfortable feeling from being around the man, despite how he dwarfed her she could only feel love and warmth from the man known as the Emperor of Dragon's.

Dragon: "That is indeed correct, I wish for my son to experience life, even tho he is a Prince and a Dragon, It saddens me but other Dragon's have distanced themselves and avoided him because of his nature which is similar to me, I hope that this program could help him feel something new and help with his social life." Tho for a few seconds he showed an expression of sadness, he smiled once more with even more warmth and love when speaking about his Son, and only Son.

Smith: "Then if you could, I'd like for you to sign this paperwork and immediately find him a Host, preferably a Female one I assume, considering the nature of Dragon's." She proceeded to hand over the paper work the large male who even dwarfed her Bodyguard Tio.

Smiling as usual, Dragon proceeded to read and sign the paperwork, asking questions for certain parts but finished after half an hour to which he slide them back to the waiting female agent.

Smith: "Well that will be all Mr. Unahzaal, please have a good day, I shall go get your son from the waiting Lounge and get to finding him a Home."

Dragon: "Alright then, thank you again Ms. Smith, it's quite hard to be a Father to my son when I have an entire species to rule over, I hope he doesn't cause problems for you and his future Host, Have a food day." With that he stood up from the floor since the rolling chair was obviously too small for his massive figure(and dump truck of an as-) and simply smiled while disappearing into Embers.

Smith: "Well that was something, can't wait to go drink some of Darling's coffee, ahhhh.. So much paperwork, he made it bearable with that Aura and vibe of his, such a Gentle and passionate man, too bad he's way out of my league." Slapping her cheeks to get her mind straight she stood up with the paper's and walked out, heading towards the waiting Lounge to see another tall male.

Tho just by looking at him she could tell he was merely a Child despite bring over 7 ft, smaller then Tio but still tall for his "age", she walked up to him, looking up at him despite him sitting down on the couch.

Smith: "Hello honey, My name is Ms. Smith, I'm going to be finding you a Host and new Home from now on you will live with them, but there are a few rules we'll have to talk about first ok?" She smiled when she saw him give her a nod and smiled at her with an innocent grin. 'God this kid is too cute despite being so big'

Ms. Smith proceeded to sit down and tell him all the rules of what he can and can't do after she gave him a book to read which she noticed him analysing and observing it, which she found quite adorable but didn't let her stop from explaining to him for half an hour, which by the time she was done he understood most of the important rules.

Smith: "Alright honey, just come follow me and we'll start looking at Applications to find you a New home." She smiled and got up, noticing that the Tall boy was following her as instructed, just noticing how smooth and pale looking his skin was because she didn't even process that he wasn't even wearing a shirt, hell not even pants only a coat to cover him up, but thankfully the coat hid his lower half quite a bit from it being buttomed up but exposed his pale smooth chest which had 2 scars

The two walked into an office room and proceeded to look over applications and Hosts to find out which he thought was best for him, tho she made sure to avoid showing him options she probably didn't trust knowing who he was and who his Father was, him being abused by his fieat Host wouldn't end well for Humans.

Hello, I hope this was a good first chapter, please give me any suggestions, I tried and made sure I didn't mess up with my Grammar, if I did please tell me so I can make sure not to make the same mistake, also I hope Dragon's reason and character was good, Thank you and have a good day.

974 Word count.

Dragon Pet (Oc Male Child x Monster Museum)Where stories live. Discover now