CW: Lonnie being an asshole...yay 

Will was almost home now, his family's small home coming into view as he makes his way down the dirt path.
  When he arrives at his front doorstep, he pulls the door handle and steps in with a long sigh. He was finally home after a long day of spell casting and resurfaced memories of his childhood friend- sweetheart? Friend.
  He slipped his shoes off at the door and made his way to his bedroom, careful not to wake his family. While his bedroom was small, it had all he needed to survive. A slightly uncomfortable bed, baskets to put his clothing in, and a flimsy wooden desk with his drawing supplies laid across it. Removing his cloak that has gotten all too heavy in the last hour, he lays down in his bed and drifts off to sleep, he really needed this.


Will woke up to birds chirping outside, the sun shining on his face, and the sound of...knocking? He lifts his head and groggily opens his eyes. He reaches up to rub the sleep from them as he slowly regains consciousness. He hears the familiar calm voice of his mother talking to someone at the door.
  When he makes his way out to the main room, he is stopped dead in his tracks by what he sees. His mother, father, and brother are all standing by the door as what looks to be a royal knight makes her way into the foyer. Her head turns toward him, and he finds himself looking anywhere but the doorway.
  "Ah you must be William Byers, yes?" She says, acknowledging his presence. Will stands there, still waking up, processing what is happening in his house.
  "Yes uh- how do you know my name?" Will stutters out, voice laced with sleep and discomfort. The knight makes her way across the room until she is standing face to face with Will. She puts her hand out in front of her, introducing herself.
  "My name is Robin Buckley, I was sent by the prince of Hawkshire to deliver a letter to William Byers of Hillsgrove. You are the right William Byers, right?"
  Will would be lying if he denied standing there for a full minute trying to process what she had said. The prince? A letter? To me? That's when it hits him. The realization dawning on him as his face twists into one of shock, his eyes widening as he stares at the knight's hand. The prince. The prince of Hawkshire. Mike.
  He found it hard to believe. Now? After nearly a decade of waiting and frustration, he reaches out now?
" U-Uh" he manages to stutter out, still at a loss for words. "You said the prince has a letter for- me?" He asks hesitantly, this has to be a dream. God, this is what he gets for thinking about him too much. The gods are punishing him for gaining even a sliver of hope back that the fucking prince would remember him. He is soon ripped out of his trance, Robin speaking once again.
"That would be correct, yes." She nods as she pulls a letter out from her satchel. "Prince Michael Wheeler has personally requested that I deliver this letter to you and make sure you are the first to read it." She finishes, handing the neatly wrapped letter to Will, urging him to take it.
Will inspects the outside of the envelope, the letters that spell out his name on the back in beautifully scripted calligraphy. He brushes his hand over the letters briefly before examining the red wax seal at the front, holding the envelope shut. He carefully tears it off, pulling out a piece of expensive looking paper, gold lining the edges. He unfolds the letter and begins to read it in his mind.

Dear Will,

  Hey, Will! Long time no see! I heard you became a village cleric! I always knew your powers would be of great help some day. I know it's been a while and I'm sorry. After we relocated I've been really busy. My parents started me in so many trainings that I barely got any time to myself. But now that the trainings are over and I have time to breath, I want to ask something of you. And I know this may seem abrupt and out of the blue but I would like you to come visit the castle.
  I sure hope you haven't forgotten about me, I definitely haven't forgot about you. If I'm being honest I think about you every day. I think about our friendship, the time we spent together, the memories we've made, the promise I made you. And I am so, so sorry if I made you think that I had forgotten about you. I know you must be mad and you have every right to be, but the truth is I want to fulfill my promise. I want to marry you and I know that for a fact. I don't care how long it's been, I still love you and I want to marry you. So if you would be so kind, let Robin take you to the castle and we can make up for all the time we've spent apart, and you can decide if you still want to marry me.

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