closed door!

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*(pov lyla)*
I cleaned scott up. I sighed and dipped the tissue in the water again. "I'm really am sorry" i said.

He grabbed my hand. And looked me in the eyes. "It's not your fault" he said smiling.

"Stils feels like it though" i said. I let the tissue fall. I bended down to grabb it.

Wen i standed back up i wasn't in derek's loft anymore. I was in the hospital.

I saw allison. I walked over to her. But light turned on and she was gone. I walked to the operation table slowly removing the blanked.

I gasped when i saw who it was. I opend my eyes and i was surounded by doctors.

Worst kate was there to. "The ME marked the cause of death as animal attack, but the authorities are waiting for confirmation by autopsy" kate said she took a breath.

"Personally, i think it might have been something a little... Stranger" she said. I looked down and my chest was open. You could see everything. And it was making me sick.

Kate putted her hand inside me and grabbed my heart. "Ah" she said. "Well, there's definitely something wrong with it" she said looking at my heart and tossing it on the table.

"The rest of the organs look pretty good, though" she said. The doctors removed there mouth cab and growled at me showing there fangs.

Kate had fangs to. Then they started eating my organs.

"Lyla!! Lyla!!!!" i opend my eyes and i was ontop off scott with a stick in my hand about to stab him with it.

I dropped the stick amd got off him. "I'm soo sorry",i said.

"I don't i don't know what i was doing" i said.

"Hey guys can we- what happend" stiles asked.

We didn't answer. U got up from the ground and helped him up.

"Did i hurt you" i asked. Scott shook his head. "I'm sorry" i said.

He nodded "it's okay"
We drove to the woods where we suppose to meet allison and isaac. When i was busy attacking scott, stiles went to pick up lydia.

I was behind scott's dirt bike. I hopped off. Pulling my helmet off.

Scott did the same.

I walked up to allison and hugged her. She responded suprided at first but then hugged me back.

I pulled away. And it was quiet untill lydia broke it. "Anyone else think we might be doing more harm than good" she asked.

"We're trying to keep a father from killing his own daughter" scott said. "Yeah a crazy father" i said.

"Actually, we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote, who is actually his daughter, who we don't know how to change from a coyote back to his daughter" isaac said. Way to go isaac

"Isaac!" i said. "Yeah?" he asked. "Shut up!" i said.

Scott turned to allison and i. "Did you bring it?" he asked. She opend her trunk and pulled it out.

Woow that is long okay. Woudn't like being hit with that.

I heard a gun shot, and scott got on his bike and drove away isaac ran after him. "Wait wait wait" stiles said but they didn't listen.

"It took the doll again? What the hell is so important about this doll" stiles asked. Important about the doll?? It isn't even her doll, it was her sisters.

Stiles was quiet. He looked at lydia and i. "It's the doll" he said. "It's the doll?" he asked.

"Yeah the doll, her sisters doll" i said. They looked at me.

"Yeah but why would it, go all the way to the school and all the way back to the hause just for a doll" he asked

"Stiles IDK. And i don't know what's so important about finding out" i said.

"It likes the doll" lydia said.

"Ohh no she hated the doll. Malia hated it" i said.

"But why would she want it than?" lydia asked.

We looked at stiles he had a face from i know it. "Stiles?" i said.

"I know what she's doing" he said. "What?'' lydia asked

"I know where she's going" he said.

I heard isaac scream and i coverd my ears. My eyes flashed oranged i ran up to his scream. "Lyla wait" stiles yelled but i didn't listen.

Good thing i decided to wear sneakers today.

I ran and ran until i tripped. Really. I standed up. Walking forward.

I heard sounds behind me so i turned around. Nothing. I turned back around and saw malia. I started running after her but she was way faster than me. Stupid coyote.

I ran but something made me trip and fell on the ground right next to a trap. It clicked shut. Oh god. That sun of a..

I need to keep a eye, jeez i almost didn't have a head anymore.

I walked around, not nowing where to go, i stopped when i saw lydia and stiles.

They were kissing. I walked over to them. "This is all cute and something. But leave it for the bedroom, we have to chatch a coyote" i said.

"You have to stop doing thay" he said. "Doing what?" i asked.

"Interupting us. I don't interup scott and you do i" stiles said. I rolled my eyes.

We walked farter, untill we heard scott roar. he did it. I knew he could do it.

"Oh that's what i'm talking about'' stiles said. I smiled.
I walked inside my house, and saw my mom. "Moooom!!" i yelled running to her and jumping in her arms.

"You just saw her" jordan said. "I don't care" i said.

I looked at his name tag and saw his name. I saw his name. Jordan parrish.

I can read that means stiles can read. I ran upstairs into my room. And concetrated on my wings. The same burning feeling came. Scott did it he closed his door to.

I pulled them back inside. Allison. She did the same when she shot tate. She closed it to. It's normal again. But it isn't it still isn't.

I still don't know what the nogitsune means. And know what it is. But i do know it's bad really bad. It's like a bord game. He or she is the player and we are the stones being played with.

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