The beginning of the story- Chapter 1

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-𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯-
Y/n was just hanging out with Aurora until her idiotic aunties came.
Not these three..y/n Mumbled.
What was that, Y/n? Aurora asked.
Nothing! Your Majesty. Y/n said.
Y/n we talked about this. call me Aurora. Aurora Said.
Oh I forgo-
Y/n gets cut off by flittle.
Flittle: A word, your Majesty.
Maybe two.
The blue pixie said.
Aunties.. you need to wait your turn like everyone else. Aurora said.
No! Thistlewit shouted. This can't wait, your Grace. The pink pixie said.
Not for a moment. said the green pixie again.
Or I might burst. Truly I might. Said Thistlewit.
Is that...?
A Brown hedgehog was shown.
Pinto! Aurora Shouted a little.
She comes bearing gifts! The first sap from the warming trees. Said flittle.
It's for the big day! Shouted Thistlewit.
(Both of the Pixies gasp)
Quiet, Thistlewit! Said Flittle.
What big day? Aurora asked.
Until. Unexpectedly Pinto took Aurora's crown.
I'm not in the mood for this. She puts the rabbit down.

She goes she goes walking to where Pinto is going.

Pinto! Aurora Shouted.
Aurora tried to grab her crown but the Pixies took it.
Come on. She signaled Y/n to come.
Where are you going aunties? Aurora asked.
The three Pixies crash into a tree.
Pinto goes rolling upon the water.
I don't have time for games, Pinto. Aurora Shouted.
Aurora puts her her right hand on the branch that was sticking out of the ground for support and reaching for her crown.
Further she goes until the branch snaps and she fell in the shallow water.

(Everyone gasps)

Aurora! Y/n called out looking for her.
Oh there you are. Oh what happened.
Y/n asked.
What's gotten into all of you?! Aurora Shouted.
There she goes! Your Majesty! Flittle says.
Aurora starts walking across the river over to the tree where Pinto left her crown.
Until Philip came in.
Oh! Philip. What are you doing here?
Aurora asked.
I was looking for you. Philip said.
Oh, well. Hello. Aurora gave him a kiss on the cheek.
*Y/n gags* that's disusting! Y/n complained to Diaval.
Diaval gave her a caws*
*Y/n Chuckles*
I'm joking, Diaval. Y/n said.
I look back until I heard a union between the Moors and the Ulstead.
So I closely pay attention.
Wait. Aurora said.
That's your formal coat. Your in on all of this, aren't you? Asked Aurora.
If your bust, I could always come back. Said Philip.
No! No, no.
I'm not busy at all. said Aurora.
No, because I'd hate to... Philp trailed off his sentence.
Really. All ears! Aurora said.
So what did you want to talk about? Aurora asked. Your right he's blowing it. Said one of the Pixies. Five years ago I thought I lost you forever. I've decided to reclaim this day for us. I've loved you since the moment I met you and every day since. If love has a truth, here is mine. There is no magic nor curse that could ever tear me away from you, Aurora.   Are you sure this is a good time?. Philip said making sure.
Oh, Philip Aurora said.
Philip got on one knee and took out a ring.

Oh he's on his knee! Said Thistlewit.
He took his sweet time about it. Said one one of Pixies.
Will you marry me? Asked Philip.
Yes! Aurora said.
Yes? Philip asked.
Yes! Yes, just stand up and kiss me. Aurora Shouted.
*And they kiss*
Of course, we have to tell our parents.
Philip said.
Do we? Aurora asked.
*Diaval Cawing*
*Y/n and Daival start to fly off to tell Maleficent about the news*
Diaval panting*
Come on! Say it! Y/n quietly shouted nudging him with her F/c wing.
*Diaval glared at y/n*
Mistress. Diaval spoke finally.
What? Maleficent asked.
I have a little bit of news. Diaval says.
Well, on with it. Maleficent says.
It's nothing of any real consequence...and it's certainly no reason to overreact. It's just that. Prince Philip has, um... Disappeared?  *Diaval chuckles* no, no. Philip has...
Yellow fever? No, wait! Leprosy! Maleficent says.
No, Mistress...Prince Philip asked Aurora if she'll become his... don't. Ruin my morning.
Maleficent says after flying of to see Aurora.
Mistress, please! Stay calm! Shouts Diaval.
How can she stay calm? Y/n asks.
How should I know? Diaval asks.
Im gonna go with her. See ya! Diaval! Y/n shouts before flying off.

So quick explanation I'm gonna just skip the Royal parts if that's alright my first y/n story btw! Hopefully I did good.

*Aurora sighs*
-𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯-
I flapped my wings once and the glide until I was beside Maleficent she looked mad so I flapped my wings more until I saw the mood and where Aurora was, i accidentally blew away Pinto. Until Maleficent came beside me again. Well, well. Maleficent says. So? Aurora asked. So. Maleficent says
Godmother. Philip asked me to marry him. Poor thing . He'll recover. Maleficent says.
My answer was yes. Aurora says.
Maleficent looks down and sees the ring. No. Maleficent said.
Yes. Aurora says.
No. Maleficent says again.
I wasn't really asking. Aurora Shouted a little. Nor was I. Maleficent says. What's next? You'll turn him into a goat? Aurora says sarcastically. Hmm. Maleficent thinks about it.
Stop. Why don't you like Philip? Aurora asks. Well, for one thing, he's human. Maleficent says. I'm a human. Aurora says.
And I have never held that against you. Maleficent shouted. Until I fell in love. Aurora says. "Love" doesn't always end well, Beasty. Maleficent says. I'll have you know Prince Philip is a prince.  Flittle says.
A very handsome and charming princ- until Maleficent uses her power to blow the little Pixies away. I'm just asking you to trust me. Please give him a chance. Let us price you wrong. Philip is thoughtful...he's very kind... Aurora gets cut off by Maleficent. Kind of what? Maleficent asks.
The king and queen are celebrating tonight.. and they have invited both of us to the castle. Aurora says. You want me to meet his parents? Maleficent asks. It's just a dinner. Aurora says. They don't want me and Y/n in Ulstead, why on earth would we go? Maleficent Loudly asks. Because his mother wishes to meet mine. Please. Aurora says.

1066 words damn.

𝐶𝑟𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 {Udo X Fem Reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora