The beginning of the end

Start from the beginning

-Love is temporary, my dear. Like my love for your father. The only love that lasts is the love a mother has for her son. And vice versa. Don't you love your mother, Minho? she whispered in his ear.

-I do.

-Then show me.

-How? -Marry the man I picked. Tomorrow. And forget the boy that messed up with your pretty mind.

-Tomorrow? he turned to face her.


-Mother, you can't make me marry him!

-I can. I just did. Guards!

Two soldiers took Minho by the arms and dragged him out off the room, then locked him in his room.

The whole time he was screaming and trying to jerk off their grips.

-How are we gonna find him if we don't even know how he looks like? Changbin complained.

-Is a son of a god. How hard can it be? Seungmin replied, walking behind him.

-Everyone here wears gold and silk. Is a little hard to tell them apart. Even the poor are rich.

They were in the royal garden, trying their best to blend with the surroundings.

-It's hot, Seungmin placed his hand above his eyes and looked up at the burning sun.

-You were used to the cold. I guess it's a little overwhelming to walk through the desert after being a yeti all your life.

-Yeah... It's suffocating.

The sweat on his forehead was something new. He had never experienced this.

His head was hurting. He was feeling dizzy all of a sudden.

-Are you alright? Changbin noticed Seungmin standing in one place and squeezing his eyes shut.

Seungmin shook his head and searched with his hands something to hold on to.

-I got you, alright? Let's go inside! Changbin put Seungmin's arm around his neck and helped him stand up.

Suddenly two guards came to them, pointing their weapons to Changbin's neck.

-We are screwed.

Chan and Felix were walking on the halls of the palace, holding hands, afraid to get separated again.

They heard steps pacing in synch and hid behind a column.

They heard Minho screaming and witnessed him being dragged in another room.

-What do we do now? Felix asked worried.

-Maybe we can get the keys to that room.


-We disguise as guards. Follow me!

Chan had a pretty good idea. Even tho he didn't have the wolf powers anymore, he was still strong and well trained in battles.

It was a piece of cake for him to leave unconscious two guards and take their clothes.

Him and Felix got dressed up in their disguise and went to look for the key.

-Can you stop following me?

-We split up. I am in your team. Isn't that how things work out?

-You're not in my team. I didn't choose you. I am the leftover since the lovebirds chose each other.

-At least we have each other, Hyunjin smiled awkwardly.

Jeongin turned angry to him. He was beyond irritated.

-Listen! I don't wanna be friends with you! You fucking ruined my life! I lost so much time. I...I don't even know if my family is still alive or where the hell are they. All thanks to you! wasn't my fault. My father... Poltergeist...

-Yeah, I know! But you were in control when you picked me up from the water! Why did you pick me?

-I needed a guardian, Hyunjin replied with tears in his eyes.

-You could have picked Yeosang!

-I thought you were pretty!

Jeongin stopped to comprehend the information that just have been thrown in his face.

He was breathing heavily, the veins on his neck being proeminent.


-I saw you and I fell in love at first sight. I couldn't help but stare. I was greedy and took you. I'm sorry, Jeongin! I'm sorry! I know how it feels to wake up and realised life has passed you. My family died because of me. Yours might be still alive.

-Don't make me pity you. I am the one hurt here!

He waited for Hyunjin to react, but the latter was left speechless.

Jeongin rolled his eyes and entered a random room to look for Seonghwa.

Hyunjin followed him without realising the door closed itself behind them, automatically locking.

Hyunjin lighted the room with a flashlight and saw the sea of snakes he and Jeongin were standing in.

-Shit, Jeongin sighed, being horrified of the view in front of him.

-Where was master Minho all this time? Seonghwa asked Jisung after they arrived in a room covered in gold.

-It's a long story. So this is Minho's room?

-Indeed. I took care of it while he was gone.

-Weren't you worried about him?

Jisung stopped admiring the details in the walls and looked sceptical at Seonghwa.

-Not really. The Queen was more than sure he will be back before the 15th. She planned the weeding in detail. Tommorow will be a glorious day for our people.

Jisung thought for a second. Something wasn't adding up.

-Wait! Tommorow? Tommorow is the 14th.

-I'm afraid it is not. Today is the 14th.

-But... we had two days left... That's not possible. Only if...

The he realised.

-Only if we lost the track of time in the mirror. A day has passed without us noticing. The mirror world has a different time measurement. We arrived too late...

He gulped in fear and raised his gaze to Seonghwa who was smirking devilish at him.

-And now it begins. Thank you, Jisung, for inauguring the beginning of the end with your sacrifice!

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