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Eleanora, Violet, and Anthony walked outside, around the perimeter of the art exhibitionary. Violet had her hand around Anthony's arm, who held a bouquet of flowers he was going to give to the Sharmas as a peace offering. His grip on the light pink roses tightened at the sight of the women. Eleanora decided to walk by Violet's side, in order not to stir more suspicion and anger from the Sharmas by walking on Anthony's side.

"Lady Danbury," Anthony greeted, as the three approached Lady Danbury and the Sharmas, who were standing outside the entrance and had just exited from their carriage.

Anthony handed some of the flowers to the Sharmas' mother. "Lady Mary," he greeted, earning a polite yet forced 'thank you' from the woman. "Miss Sharma," he greeted, giving Kate some flowers too. He then stood in front of the youngest. "Miss Edwina." Anthony seemed to have fumbled over her greeting, yet was even more stunned at the sight of Edwina paying no heed to his good deed. She immediately gave the flowers to the nearby coachman and Eleanora pursed her lips at the unfortunate sight.

"How thoughtful of you, Lord Bridgerton," Lady Danbury noted.

"Now remember, before we are to send out our invitations, we must appear to be enjoying each other's company," Violet reminded the group. "Shall we?"

Eleanora refrained from rolling her eyes. The only reason she was forced to come along to the gallery was to not give the ton any reason to suspect divergent feelings towards Anthony and to put all the suspicion on her as the reason the wedding backfired at rest.

Eleanora waited until the Sharmas and Violet entered first, before she followed suite. Anthony leaned in as Eleanora walked past him, inhaling deeply at the lingering fragrance that he didn't realize he became attached to. That damned lavender and vanilla.

He closed his eyes and smiled at the perfect scent, before his eyes shot open at Lady Danbury clearing her throat. He turned to the woman, who pursed her lips at the sight of his momentary loss of control.

Anthony then walked into the building, feeling Lady Danbury's piercing eyes in the back of his head, expecting her to watch him like a hawk for any more improper gestures for the length of the event.

As the group entered the gallery, all eyes were on them and socializing amongst the other guests had ceased. Eleanora wanted so badly to just snap at them: "Quit your staring, the statues and paintings don't mind it, but we certainly do!" She kept her mouth shut.

"Do not be deterred," Violet reminded everyone, as Anthony stood beside Eleanora. She took a half a step away from him. "If we can put the wedding behind us, so can they."

Everyone separated, and Anthony offered his arm to Lady Mary, who accepted it, and they entered one of the nearby rooms, where people continuously stared at them. Anthony could only nod and smile politely, no matter how painful the glares felt.

"You must forgive me, Lady Mary," he began. "I've yet formally to apologize."

"It is not exactly a surprise," she said. "Men often take time to realize their culpability in such matters. It is quite the privilege, is it not?"

Anthony's jaw tensed at her tone. "You have every reason to scorn me. But I would be very much remiss if I did not tell you it was not my intention, ever, to cause your family as much strife as I now know I have done."

"In truth, I cannot place blame entirely at your door, Lord Bridgerton," Mary confessed after a beat. "I, myself, have been absent for far too long. When my husband died, it should've been me taking on my family's burden, not Kate."

Anthony felt foolish at that moment, remembering that Kate had affections for him, though he could never reciprocate for the Sharma woman. He only ever felt truly alive when he was around Eleanora. Speaking of, he noticed her curly hair in the distance in one of the other rooms. She was gazing at the sculptures fondly, taking in the beauty and hard craftsmanship required to create such a masterpiece.

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