Not one step back.

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Pearl Harbor is busy, shipgirls out playing on the beaches, browsing stores and generally enjoying life. However, a small crowd gathers at the port, as a battleship pulls into dock. the odd layout of her guns reminding them of the battleships of old, the creaking of her hull showing her age. Many do not know who this battleship is, however those that recognize her find themselves staring in awe as the Kansen who jumps to the docks marches straight past the gathering crowd. Her military garb, unlike her more modern counterparts, displaying a drag grey that matches the pain of her vessel. questions murmur through the crowd, some asking who she is, others asking if she even fears death, having arrived with no escort from so far away. Crowd unheeded, the Kansen marches into the base with purpose, her face stern and her eyes promising death to any who get in her way while she makes her way towards the royal gardens.

Meanwhile, Enterprise is in a meeting with the head ships of the Royal Navy, discussing their next steps in the war against Crimson Axis. A discussion interrupted by the sound of a sword being drawn and a stern voice saying something, but too far away to distinguish their words. That is, until the source of the noise gets closer.

"...I really must insist, Lady Dreadnought! this meeting cannot be interrupted, if what you have to say is urgent i suggest you wait until after the meeting is do-" The voice of Neptune is heard, somewhat shaken, presumably from having a sword drawn on her, however from their position, the group cannot tell if that is the case or not. One thing is for certain however, this Dreadnought character is here with no regard to the importance of their meeting and has also just interrupted Neptune.

"Maid, Neptune, stand aside before you make a fool out of yourself and in turn your fellow maids. meeting or not, the message i am here to deliver cannot wait due to it's time sensitivity. I am going to talk with Elizabeth whether she like sit or not" The stern voice, once powerful but now tainted by the passage of long years leaving it a mere shadow of it's old self. It only takes a couple more seconds for the voice's source to come into view, Dreadnought marching towards the group undaunted by either Neptune's attempts to stop her, or the glaring Enterprise who attempts to stare her down. 

Unlike Enterprise however, the Royal Navy ships present have a look of shock. "Enterprise, as much as i would enjoy introducing myself to you properly, unfortunately what I have to say here today is for Royal Navy only, could you please excuse us for but a moment? I need to have a word with my wayward students." Her request leaving no room for argument, Dreadnought's sword still drawn and ready to strike down any who go against her.

Enterprise looks back at Queen Elizabeth, uncertain if this is wise, only for the battleship in question to nod her head. "Very well, teacher. My apologies, Enterprise. might I ask you to wait outside the gardens? this should not take long, right, Miss Dreadnought?"

Dreadnought nods in confirmation, and as Enterprise leaves past her, Dreadnought pats her on the shoulder apologetically. "I am sorry that this cannot wait, but i am on a tight schedule. However before we begin, Hood, When a visitor enters a military base, do you salute, bow, or kneel?" Dreadnought's stern gaze falls onto the surprised battlecruiser, who is left sputtering due to the surprise question.

"If military, Salute, Miss Dreadnought!" Hood's answer comes sure and clear despite her initial surprise. answered with a nod from Dreadnought, followed by her gaze falling upon Warspite and King George. "When a duel commences, If your opponent loses their weapon, do you go for the finishing blow or let them retrieve their weapon?"

Now knowing what is going on, they both smile confidently, George and Warspite answering at the same time. "Go for the kill of course!/Let them retrieve their weapon, so we may duel on even footing!"

Dreadnought, head shaking then turns her gaze to Queen Elizabeth, who shifts uncomfortably in her seat but does not look away from the stern glare of her mentor. "Elizabeth, when approaching a throne bearing royalty, do you kneel to show fealty or bow to show respect?" The Girl under her gaze goes wide eyed, having clearly expected a different question than this one.

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