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3rd POV

In Kansai, a girl from the Kansai Seal Office just got out from her work, "Yes! Out on time today!" She cheered as she checked her phone for the time. She made her way home until she stopped by the Red Light District.

Everyone was crowding her, but she managed to get through the crowd. She saw that an oiran was walking from where she was standing.

"So beautiful..." The girl sighed as she saw the Oiran walking with people around her, the girl couldn't help but notice that the oiran had an unpleasant look on her face, almost like she was angry. As the oiran passed the girl, they locked eyes with each other for a few seconds. Before looking away and continued to walk.

"That's Oiran Warabihime." The whispers around started to gossip right when the oiran passed them.

"She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And she's from the Kyougoku House."

"Hopefully she doesn't get kidnapped. Many girls have gone either missing or have committed suicide lately."

"The executioners are not finding any results whatsoever about it though."

"I remember that two executioners went investigating, but they went missing, too. Do you think it could be the Akudama who's behind it?"

The girl blocked out the rumors and started to make her way back home. "All right! Time for dinner! What should I make?" She walked down on the sidewalk and saw a cat. "A cat...?" The cat walked off the sidewalk and into the road, not knowing that a car was coming straight towards it. "Hey! Look out!" She cried.

Running into the road and picked up the cat before it got ran over. The car didn't stop and it kept on going until it crashed. "Watch it!" The girl looked back and saw that the driver was fine, but started to yell at her.

Not wanting to cause anymore trouble, she ran into an alley and the cat jumped out of her arms. And she saw a man ordering takoyaki from a takoyaki stand.

"Whoa. A takoyaki stand? Wow, I can't remember the time I had some." She runs over next to the man and asks the old lady who's cooking for some takoyaki. "Hi there. One order of takoyaki, please."

"Sure thing. It's 500 yen. Here you go." The old lady gave the man his food and he went to go pay for it, dropping a coin in the process of paying.

"Hey, I think you dropped some money. He ignored her so she ran over to him to give it back, but he declined saying it was bad luck. He threw away his garbage and quickly started his motorbike and drove off.

The girl's food was ready, and as she was about to pay, she saw that they only take cash. She didn't have cash on her, but saw that she had the 500 yen that the man dropped. Wanting to give him back the coin, she promised the old lady that she'll pay her back but the old lady didn't buy it. The old lady then called the cops and now the girl is arrested.

"Why? Why me!?



In the Entertainment District...

One of the managers of the Kyougoku house is in my room and she starts to confront me about all the problems I've caused.

"I want you to stop it now!" She exclaimed.

"Stop what?" I asked, not seeing what the problem was.

"Stop causing people here to go get hurt, leave, or commit suicide, that's what!" She then explained about the suicides, "As for those who killed themselves, you bullied them to death, didn't you, Warabihime?"

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