Chapter 1

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This is going to be a slow burn..

(This entire story updates as it updates on my Tumblr)

Chapter 1-

(569 words)

When my father informed me telling me about his secret relationship with a woman who wasn't of color I was shocked. We had moved to the south to be with this mystery woman and her daughter.

"I don't get why we have to do this, why couldn't you just meet a woman back home?" I said to my father who wasn't listening to me as he was driving. Looking back at me in the rearview mirror my father just smiled and turned up the music it sounded like a country song but I wasn't paying much attention as I was still upset that my father was going to ignore me this entire car ride.

After what seemed like hours on hours of a car ride we made it to a road where a big road sign was visible reading " WELCOME TO MEMPHIS"

Memphis... I've heard of Memphis but I've never been there. My father used to tell me stories about Memphis since he used to live there when he was younger. We had finally arrived at our "new" home it was a nice Blue 1-story home but was still small. My father grabbed our bags and took them inside the house with me trailing behind him. When we entered the house we were greeted by a woman and her daughter. Her daughter looked almost disgusted.

"Hi.." I said directed toward the woman's daughter. I was trying to be polite while her daughter had simply rolled her eyes and went into the living room.

" I apologize for Priscilla, She's not very fond of the idea of me getting re-married"

"It alright hun she'll get over it" My father quickly replied

I learned that the woman's name was Anna, Anna showed me my room and left me alone so I could get my room together.


It had been about two days since me and my father had moved into his "new wife's" house and things were going pretty well so far. I had recently met some people and quickly gained friends. I started school and let's just say... It's not good people still have their heads so far up their asses that they can't handle a couple of people of color going to their precious school. Priscilla had decided to get over her "mood" and started talking to me and my dad so I would assume things are pretty well. Do I miss my friends back home? Yes. Do I miss my mom? No. My mother is just too much to handle and was never there, then had a face of shock when my father left her after finding her with another man.

"Y/NNN!!!" I heard Pricilla yell from her room

"WHAT?!" I yelled back

"COME HERE QUICK!!" She yelled in reply

"COMING!" I Quickly yelled back while walking across the hall

I walked into her room with a bored expression on my face.

"What did you nee-" I said but was cut off in the middle of my sentence.

"My mom just gave me... Well now us, TWO tickets to an Elvis Presley concert for tonight!" Priscilla said with a humongous smile.

"Who's Ella Princely?" I said with a dazed face.

"No, you dummy! ELVIS PRESLEY!"

"Who's that?" I asked

"Oh, nobody special. Just the hottest man alive."

"Do I have to go?"

"Yes Y/N, Yes you do"

I guess my night is already planned out.

Austin Butler! Elvis x Black! ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora