Chapter 1: An Empire with Curiosity

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⌊A/N: I am not the original creator of the image shown above. All rights go to its respective owner⌋


It is said that the universe holds vast amounts of unique mysteries, wonders, and treasures to behold. Humanity had always dreamed of venturing into the stars, collecting valuable treasures, studying ancient mysteries and discovering long-lost artifacts of old. In the planet of Aphevies, many nations had pledged this to their citizens, yet all of them had failed to do so. Only one nation, the Tamerwak Empire, would turn that dream of humanity's into reality. 

The word 'Tamerwak' means 2 things: 'Tamer' meaning 'to protect' and 'wak' meaning 'conquer'. Proclaimed on a tiny island near a small continent, the nation would go on to invade its neighbors on said continent and annex the entirety of their territories. During the Age of Peace, the newly conquered territories were developed and turned into big, sprawling cities, rivaling even the greatest cities of Aphevies' self-proclaimed superpowers. Eventually, the gears of war turned once more when the Hurlyanusa Republic declared war on both the Empire and the Rvareon Union. The Union also declared war on both the Republic and the Empire.

The Tamerwak Empire had no choice but to send out its soldiers once more to defend the homeland and force their enemies to capitulate once and for all. Dubbed as Dnuri Hvrutsa (Death's Harvest), the war had took a massive toll on all sides, with casualties reaching in the hundreds of millions. Unlike our world, the nations of Aphevies never had any rules of war, meaning that militaries from all sides initiated chemical warfare, committed atrocious acts against Prisoners of War, and even unleashed Weapons of Mass Destruction upon large, civilian population centers (e.g towns and cities.)

The conflict had lasted for over 3 decades before it had finally ended on 21st of Kny (March), 1904 I.B (Imperial Birth)/1 U.A (Unified Age) with the Tamerwak Empire being victorious in defending itself and conquering its foes, as well as unifying the entirety of Aphevies under its banner. Even though the war had claimed many lives, including innocent ones, the people of the Tamerwak Empire continued on, giving their all into making the Empire a better place to live in. Over the decades, the nation continued to grow economically, militarily, and most important of all, technologically. By the spring of 324 U.A, the Empire achieved Type 1 civilization status.

Once they had reached that milestone, the nation began to double its efforts into expanding into the surrounding planets of its star system. Their home system's desolate and uninhabitable planets were slowly terraformed to become lush-green paradises for humans to colonize in. The greatest milestone was achieved on Ambry (April) 14, 417 U.A when the IMSS The Beyond became the first ever spacecraft to have ever achieved FTL travel. The science vessel warped from Aphevies towards its neighboring planet named Vlkora. That day came with it a large celebration as the entirety of the Tamerwak Empire rejoiced upon being given the opportunity to venture out into the galaxy. After the discovery, the Empire had built many exploratory vessels in order to survey nearby star systems.

Millions of Merwakish citizenry had departed from Aphevies and its newly formed colonies to venture out into the wider galaxy. They will not only explore new star systems they come across but they will also colonize those that have the same preferences as Aphevies itself. It was then by the winter of 506 U.A did the Tamerwak Empire receive Type 2 civilization status after the construction of a Dyson swarm around Avarunosa (Tamerwak Empire home system's star). In order to combat the colder temperatures that Aphevies and the surrounding colonies might experience, they released more greenhouse gases in order to trap more of the heat that comes from Avarunosa.

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