The Final Selection

Start from the beginning

The Demon fall to the ground with his head and body slowly turning into ash, while Kanao sheathed her sword as she slowly walks away to find more demons while surviving for the next seven days. Her first day was uneventful she encounter's five demon's which she killed easily, she also saw multiple contestants body which demons either were feeding on or have already eaten it and let the rest get decomposed in the soil.

It was One hour before sunrise and Kanao was on lying on a tree branch resting when she suddenly heard a scream. She turned her head to the right to see a boy running from something perhaps a demon. To be honest it was pretty normal for Kanao to see contestants running from a demon at this point so she didn't care much and turned her head away, that's when she felt something.

She quickly get off the tree branch unsheathing her sword as she felt a powerful demonic presence. "This demon is stronger then any demons i have faced in the past" Kanao thought as she slowly moved toward where the running boy was to see him lying on the ground, he had slipped because of a rock. He desperately tries to get up when suddenly a green colour arm grabbed him.

Kanao was shocked to see this she quickly looked toward the arm sender to see a giant green deformed demon with multiple arms covering his whole body. He was having a presumably dead girl in another one of his hand. He slowly lift his arm and opened his mouth as he swallowed the girl whole both filling his hunger as well as growing stronger which was visible as just he grow more bigger when he completely eaten the girl.

Kanao gulped seeing the sight in front she wasn't gonna lie she was a bit scared, the arm which was grabbing the boy pulled him toward the giant demons mouth as he opened it giving a clear sign that he was gonna eat him, the boy started screaming begging for help. Kanao gripped her sword gritting her teeth as multiple veins popped on her head "I need to help him" she thought before jumping towards the hand and...

"Flower Breathing Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo" She shouted cutting the hand of the giant demon, the boy fell on his back while Kanao landed on her feet staring at the demon as a drop of sweat fell from her face.

"Ohhh a little girl not gonna lie that was impressive cutting my hand like that" The giant hand demon said with a smirk as his arm regenerated which shook Kanao slightly seeing his regeneration speed. "Well now i can have two meals" He said launching multiple hands towards Kanao which she were able to dodge until...

Kanao suddenly felt something from ground, so she jumped up to see three arms coming from where she was standing, suddenly a hand come towards her in midair which she was barely able to dodge because of her quick reflexes but, an hand from above came she was about to cut it when an hand grabbed her left leg, in panic Kanao quickly cut that arm which caused her to get hit by the arm above her as it slammed her into the ground.

Kanao slowly backed away as she felt that the demon nail have pierced he left leg making it difficult for her to stand, she looked towards where the boy was to see that nobody was there anymore, she immediately understand that he had left her to die.

"You give a very good fight even better than that peach haired boy" He said amused as he look towards her bleeding leg, "You know what i will going to kill you the same way i kill that boy" he said as he grabbed her by the bleeding leg, which made her scream loudly in pain and sure enough someone heard it.

"By crushing your head slowly to hear your screams and crying voice" The hand-demon said as he lift her up which made her scream more in pain. "Is this it, Is this the end" She thought as she saw a hand slowly reaching towards her face "I am sorry sisters" She thought as her entire life flashed in front of her, she closed her eyes waiting for a painful death which she never received.

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