-Well you know about reverend Putty's sermon today?

-Yeah what about it?

-Well I've been having some problems with faith myself lately... Remember Bartholomew?

-Oh if I do! He was making you s-s-sin.

-I've been thinking about it and if God created such a perfect world why is there so much pain? My mom told me Bartholomew had no soul, but how could he not? He was so nice and all he did was spread love.

-Well gee Orel. You're not supposed to question that! Questioning God is a sin!

-Well thanks for the help Doughy... - Orel said as he left to get in the car with his parents.

-You're welcome!- Doughy shouted.

As Orel was making his way back to the car another person stopped him, reverend Putty went up to Orel and asked:

-Hey Orel, I didn't hear ya say amen after today's sermon.

-Well reverend I haven't been feeling all too well lately.

-Seems to me like you're sad. What is it, Orel?

At that moment Clay put his head out of the car:

-Hey Orel are you gonna come or are you gonna stay there and pray all day?

-Sorry reverend.- Orel said as he marched towards the car.

Arriving home Orel couldn't stop thinking about what Putty had said, even if most of it didn't make much sense, he knew some things won't be answered no matter how much he questions them. That night he decided to pay a visit to the only person he knows could help him, his grandfather Arthur. He went to sleep with his clothes already on and when it was nighttime and his parents were sleeping he left the house, it took a bit of time to gather the courage to leave his house without permission but that's what Orel told himself, what he was scared of was talking to his pa after so long. He finally took off to his grandpa's house, it took a while but he still remembered the path to his house. When he got there everything was very calm, the nighttime breeze felt just right after a summer day, he gathered the courage and knocked on the door, his heart was almost jumping out of his chest as he heard his grandfather walk towards the door but he knew he had to talk to someone.

-Who's there?...-Arthur asked.

He looked at his grandson and after a few seconds, he realized who it was almost as if in disbelief.


-Grandpa! - Orel said as he hugged him.

-What are you doing here!?

-I know I haven't been here much, but I need to talk to someone...

-It's ok Orel I also haven't paid you much visit either, it's gonna be alright now, come inside and tell me what's wrong.


They walked inside, Orel took a seat on the small chair in the living room while his grandpa went to the kitchen. A few minutes later he came back with some milk in a small glass and cookies in a tiny tray, set them on the table in front of Orel, and proceeded to sit in his rocking chair next to him.

-So how have you been champ? - Arthur asked ruffling Orel's hair

-Not very well pa... I've been thinking about God...

Orel said as he picked up his glass of milk gulping it.

-Moralton... (Arthur muttered angrily to himself)

-Well I've been thinking... If God created a perfect world, why did he create pain? Is God bad?

Arthur could sense the sadness in Orel's eyes and knew he had to be careful with his answer.

-Well uh. Orel you see... You might think that, but God is not evil.

-Then why did he create pain? - Orel asked while looking down.

-I don't think he created it he simply allows evil to exist. I'd say we will never truly know but. When he created us he created us, he created us human, why do you think so many people don't believe him? Because they were made human and through some pain, they decided they can't resort to God. But some people resorted to God after going through something too, it depends on all of us. I think pain also is important in building someone as a person, if no one ever experienced pain what would this world be about? Would everyone just be the same?

-But so is God evil or not? - asked Orel while slowly taking a bite of a cookie from the tray.

-Orel, why do you like God?

-Because...I believe in his son's teachings and his creations... - he said while taking another cookie.

-Has he helped you before?

-I think so, when I feel down I read about him in my lucky Bible and his words always cheer me up!- Orel said as he took another cookie from the tray.

-Well, then he isn't evil, is he?

-Thanks pa, I think I get it, I just need to think more about it.

Orel then finished his milk and cookies in silence before glancing back at his grandpa.

-Now, you should be going home, do your parents know you're here? - Arthur asked already knowing the answer.


-Then go, and don't be afraid to come to see me again, I love you Orel. - Arthur said looking into his grandchild's eyes.

-It's ok, I promise to come more often, that pain is over. - Orel said smiling at his grandfather.

Arthur hugged his grandson before waving him goodbye at the entrance of his home. As soon as Orel got home he carefully got into his room without making a sound and picked up his lucky Bible before turning on his lamp and reading through it again that night.

A week went by and it was Sunday again, Orel and his family had just got to church reverend Putty was already awaiting them at the entrance.

-Morning Berta, hello Clay, hey Orel!

Orel's parents went before him as well as shapey Orel waited outside and once Putty was about to enter to do his job Orel grabbed his shirt.

-What is it Orel? - reverend Putty asked turning his head to him.

-Amen. - Orel said smiling at Putty.

Putty knew why Orel said it and smiled back at him.

-C'mon Orel get in, hope you're ready for today's sermon!

-Of course, I am!

Moral Orel: Doubt [One-shot]Where stories live. Discover now