Monsters AU x Dragons AU: Downside Paths

Start from the beginning

"Ooh, did you know that English Marigold is also known as a healing plant?"


The wolf's ears perked, "Ahh! English Marigold, a healing plant that's very bright in color, ranging from yellow to bright orange. From what I managed to gather, the dried up marigolds can lessen the pain of insect bites and swelling. But I've never seen one in person, only in books."


Ankáthi brighten up. "So that's how it's like? I've seen it somewhere in the wild. Took some home because I found it very pretty. Solaris said that it's English Marigold and one of the healing plants, but he never explain what the plant could do," he pouted. "Thanks for telling me anyway! It really help a lot!"

"Do you have anything that related to healing? I wanted to know more since I lacked a bit in that area. I know more about poisons and stuff, eheh"


Balak scratches his head, "Ehe... Not a problem!" He swipe out something on the hologram, "Come here, I'll show you"

"I love researching about plants. Especially the healing types, I'm also learning on how to summon them... So is best that I take notes to the most detailed"


Ankáthi skipped towards Balak. "Yeay, what do you want to tell me? I'm ready to hear everything"

He grinned adorably. Then he remembered something and searched his pockets for his notebook and pencil.

After a few seconds of searching, he found the items he wanted. "This is so I would remember what the is name of the plants and what they can do"


"Hehe, exactly! Now, let's start with this one." The wolf pointed at a holographic picture, with words underneath as the detail of the plant in the said picture


--A while later-

"Yay, thanks for all the information about healing herbs, Balak! It's really helping me, eheh-"


"My pleasure!" The wolf grinned pleasingly


Ankáthi stood up from his seat and stretched, feeling satisfied hearing the cracks from his joints. He looked at the numbers on Balak's watch and felt his eyes widened.

"Eh, it's already 6:30 pm? Wow, time really go fast, huh? Well, I better go and see if Gaia needs any help with the kitchen."

He walked back towards the door to step out of the room. But before he really do, he turned his head back towards Balak and cheerfully said, "Thanks again for the information! See you later, Balak!" Then stepped out and gently closed the door as not to wake up the pups.

. . .





. . .

The door to the guest room was knocked again and gently pushed open. The humanoid, Dragon Ori, popped his head from behind the door.

"Sorry to intrude your day, but I have a question regarding your brother" - Dragon Ori

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