Chpt. 4 Death

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It was fun actually I enjoyed it. You know I think dad should take a nice lonnnnng nap!

"Dad?" I said. "Flower -hic- is that you -hic?" He asked. "Dad are you drunk?" I asked. "No Flower why would I be!?" "Dad really?!" "Yes Flower I've always hated you!" "Da-Dad..." I pulled out a gun. "I'm totally not sorry!" I said with an evil grin. "Flower put the gun down right now!" "No dad I'm sorry it seems like I can't." BANG Dead. In front of me my dad lays on the carpet bleeding and begging for life. "Flower how... how could you!" "Its my life goal" I stated. Yep he is so dead. "That's what you get! You basterd!" Go fuck your self... Oh wait thats right your dead! Hehe oh man I am so weird... BEEP BEEP WOO WOO Crap the cops! I so netter run! I ran to a top of the building and jumped. Oh FUCK!


So I'm going to be writing with these ' other than "

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