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daddy issues-the neighborhood

"i-i- i just wanna go and sleep." ruby cried. the pain in her voice made anne wince. although she wasn't tired, she hated seeing her friend like this. they went to her room.

"if you need anything, let me know. i'm your best friend, i'll do anything. jerry and gilbert are in the next room if you want to see jerry-" she teased ruby.

"thanks, shirls." ruby smiled with a sincere face. she meant every word.

"only cole calls me that."

they both giggled. anne turned off the lights and went to sit on her desk chair, leaving ruby the bed.

ruby stared at the ceiling for what felt like forever. she just thought. about her family, if she'll ever see them again, jerry and how nice anne has been. after all they are best friends.

she put on her airpods and started playing a song to clear her head.


  this song felt like home. every time ruby heard it, it made her feel comfortable. something about the voice, or the sweet but sad tune.

  it was also relatable. every word made her feel like someone understood her. the song replayed a sense of comfort she longed for in childhood.

  ruby had always been thought of, or portrayed as the sweet, innocent and kind girl. the girl who you wished you were. the girl that listens to taylor swift, drinks oat lattes, doesn't know how to say no and loves all animals.

  ruby loved being that girl, but it was time to stop putting on that show for everyone.

i taste you on my tongue.

  she didn't need anyone to think she's innocent. she wanted everyone to know that she can fend for herself. even though she couldn't.

  she was done being daddy's little girl.

i'll tell you that i'm thinking about
whatever you're thinking about

  rubys always been a people pleaser, much like her cousin. she's needed to please everyone, especially daddy.

  but now that's he's taken advantage of her, that's changed.

it's crazy what you'll do for a friend

ruby desperately needed air. she quietly snuck out of anne's bedroom while she watches her phone, avoiding every squeak.

  it's only 9:30, she thought. she grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured some water.

  when she finally thought she was alone and had peace and quiet, a voice startled her.


"jesus christ jerry! what are you doing here?" she screamed in shock.

"this is my house."

  ruby blushed. "oh yeah."

  "just so you know, i want you to be ok." jerry approached her and put a hand on rubys shoulder. "you mean a lot to me, and i just want you to know you can tell me anything."

  "thank you, jerry. you think that maybe- m-maybe we can hang out for a bit? yknow we can leave shirbert for some alone time as well." ruby winked, hoping for yes to be the answer.

  "totally, let's do it."

  they went upstairs, hand in hand, to jerry's room. jerry told gilbert what was happening and he just grinned like a fool.

  "ruby and jerry, they make a good couple, don't they?" gilbert broke the silence.

"i love them, but it's kinda hard seeing my best friend and my brother together. i've had to deal with jerry and ruby for years, them both doubting eachother."

"i can't believe how oblivious they are." gilbert said in confusion.

"yeah. it's unbelievable" she replied. if only the two young adults could hear themselves.

gilbert hesitated with his next words. he was so nervous. and for what?

"shirley." he cleared his throat. their eyes met.

"yknow your my best friend, right? i'll love you forever." anne's eyes began to water. only diana barry had ever said anything so meaningful to her before.

"we haven't known eachother for that long, but you make my life better. you make me smile. when we first met i was so persistent to get you to like me i-i- ijustwantedyoutoknowthatyoumeaneverythingtome." gilbert's words rushed like a flowing river. they sat beside eachother, thighs almost touching. a light blush rose on gilbert's cheeks, as he tried to hide it from anne.

  anne stared in to gilbert's soul. not in a terrifying and shattering way, in more of a 'i love you and you don't even understand how crazy i am for you' kinda way.

  she caressed his hand and whispered; "i forgive you, gilbert. but let's not get mushy and enjoy the quality time we are having right now."

  gilbert chuckled. she was right, they needed to savour the beautiful moment they were sharing.

  and then something happened that broke them out of their trance. a knock at the door.

  "gil. trade, right now." said jerry, motioning for gilbert to follow him, and for ruby to join her original friend. he could not wipe the smug smile off his face.

  as soon as the boys left the room, ruby explained all of the recent events to her best friend.

  "i. kissed. your. brother. oh, my, god." ruby paced around the room, jumping in the air.

  meanwhile with the boys, a similar event was occurring. jerry was pacing around the room, mimicking rubys actions.

  "dude, you know your talking about my cousin, right?"

  "GIL! YOU FLIRT WITH MY SISTER EVERY DAY!" he shouted, overreacting.

  "i do not flirt!!!"

  "man you're literally the biggest flirt i know, and i know a lot of people. you are also crazy about a girl, who happens to be my sister. when those two attributes combine, we get chaos and hormone overload." jerry calmed himself to tell this to gilbert.

  gil knew he was right. just moments ago, his thigh was touching the girl of his dreams. he had all of his chances, but blew it. he just needed to find the perfect time.

  which is not now.

  he zoned off for a couple seconds, pondering all of his life choices. finally, he concluded.

  "i'm not getting over this crush anytime soon."  the words came out gilbert's mouth.

  the same words were also spoke from a young girls mouth just next door.

word count: 1046

i'm so sorry for taking so long to publish another chapter 😭😭 this one sucks too

you get me so high || shirbert Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant