Chapter 3♚

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      My mind went back into the reality when my phone vibrated. It was from my co-worker. I was about to answer his call but he hung up. I looked at the time on the screen of my Blackberry phone.

      Fuck I'm gonna be late!

      I got up and grabbed my suitcase along, out of the house.

      I hope she went into the kitchen while I'm away. I have kept some food in the fridge in case she is hungry.
      I locked the main door and rummaged in my pocket for my car keys. I then quickly start the red Honda Accord baby in a moderate speed and drove off.


       I wanted to go out and wash up but then, I know he's still at home. I don't hear the sound of his car driving away.

       I twisted the door knob carefully and opened the door, but only partially. There he was, sitting on the couch staring into space for some reason, with his uniform all ready for work.

        Shouldn't he be leaving right now?

        I silently observed the guy as he remained lost in a daydream. Suddenly, my throat decided to get ticklish for some reason and I coughed ungracefully. I quickly covered my mouth in alarmed. It seems as if he had snapped out of his immersion.

        Shit! He must have heard me.

     I quickly close the door back discreetly and sat on my bed as my feelings got tense up.

     I really hope that he leave for work soon.  I don't have any freedom when he is around.

      Just as I had been waiting like every other day , there was the sound of car driving away. I let out a sigh of relief and  went out of the room to shower.

Later on,

       After showering and getting on my clothes. I walked into his room. There were lots of his items and folders from his office. I wanted to find proof of who he was to me. All I ever known so far was his first name and his career.

      I sighed in dismay. I really felt like a bird in a cage. It's no different like hospital. There was simply no entertainment. I miss Ruruka and Meiko. Where are they? Don't they know that I'm being kept by this guy? My parents too seems to not be aware or worried about me..

      I couldn't find any source that tells me who he was and walked my way out of his room. However, something caught my eye and I stopped to look at it. It was on the floor. I picked it up wondering what it was.

      It was a folded picture of a happy family. They were smiling happily. The woman whom I assume was Kenji's mother was embracing the kid while the Father is putting his arms around his mother. However I noticed something...

      The father..  I just..could not make up how he looks like because it was crossed out by a  big red marker.

      Did he hated his father this much? Hmm..

      I turned the picture behind to see words something around like "The Sar--ik- Fami-y" I couldn't make out what the other letters were because the person who wrote it ,wrote it messily.

      There were also numbers ; "25/02/199-/~02/09/199-" which probably refers to the date of the event. Some of numbers were overlapping and I couldn't make up what was written. Could the date mean anything? I wonder if anything had happened to his family. is none of my business. I should stay out of it.

      I then shrugged and folded the picture back and put under his desk and afterwards left his room.

      I went into the kitchen. I rarely had to go to there because the guy had always been nice enough to serve me on bed. It was as if he was my unsalaried servant. I didn't know what was up thought today. He seemed to forgot to serve me.

     My stomach started rumbling within seconds.I looked into the cabinets to find containers of salt , sugar and other coffee powders. hungry..I wonder if there is any cooked food in here..

     I opened up the fridge to see leftovers of seafood fried noodles in a tupperware  and took it out, placing them on the table. There was a note on top of it.

"Just heat them up in microwave if you want to eat. I'm sorry that I forgot to send food into your room earlier. I know you are starving right now. Eat well. (:   -Kenji"
    I can't help but smiled when I read it.

    Hmph. Kind stranger..
  I then heat up the food and afterwards returning back into my room.

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