Chapter 7- "Go Get Her, Wildcat"

Start from the beginning

Rory looked forlornly down at her cone that was now empty with a pout.

"Hey!" Shaggy exclaimed angrily. Shaggy doesn't share food........

Shaggy hurriedly eats his now empty cone before Scooby could get ahold of it as well, and Rory just tosses hers over her shoulders to Scooby to eat. The cone is nothing without ice cream inside of it. Instead it's just a cold, sugar coated, desolate shell.

"Looks like your tongue is long enough to get all three of us on this ride." Shaggy ushered Rory and Scooby into the ride.

After swatting at Shaggy a few times after he had pushed her past the entrance, Rory took a moment to get a better look at what was inside.
It wasn't much to look at, just a few wooden boats that lay in a lazy river. It was dark inside due to the ride being cut off at the moment, and the lazy river led to an even darker tunnel.

Shaggy, trying to be optimistic, told his friends "Ah, it's like the perfect park day. No lines, no operator." His monologue was cut short though, when something in the nearby supply closet caught his attention.

The three friends looked on as red smoke poured through the doorway. They could also hear a cacophony of objects being harshly tossed around, some even flying out of the closet.

With a collective 'huh,' and side glances at one another, the trio moved closer to the supply closet in curiosity.

Rory ran straight into a powerfully strong smell that could only be compared to a wall of rotten eggs. Rory hastily through her hands up over her nose in an attempt to block out the disgusting smell. Shaggy and Scooby had made similar attempts.

"P.U., like what died in here," Shaggy exclaimed while he fanned the air in front of him, which didn't do anything due to how potent the smell was.

What was at first curiosity turned to fear. Rory's eyes almost bugged out of her head when she saw what was making all of the commotion in the supply closet.

"Give. Me. Rock!"

None other than the Crimson Witch walked through the doorway and straight into the faces of the three friends. Watching her on the surveillance screen was one thing, but standing face to face with her was another.

As soon as the Witch approaches them, the trio lets out screams in terror. The Witch towered over them, and she was one of the most terrifying beings that they had ever come face to face with. And they have met a lot of scary monsters.

In unison, Shaggy, Scooby, and Rory start scrambling backwards, trying to put as much distance between themselves and the Witch as possible. They were not paying a bit of attention, though, as to where they were going. In their haste to escape, Shaggy bumped into the control panel for the ride and flipped the main switch.

The ride suddenly came to life. Rory hardly paid attention to the lights that flickered on, the water that started flowing and moving, and the speakers that started blasting KISS's song "Shout it Out Loud."

The frightened trio did not stop moving backwards until they came to a sudden halt when all three fell into one of the wooden boats. Rory and Scooby were the first to land in the boat, with Shaggy instantly following. Unfortunately for Shaggy, he fell straight on top of Rory.

She shoved him up and to the side, him landing with a huge thump, as she frantically searched to where the Witch had gotten off to. The boat they had crash landed in had started moving down the lazy river. Rory watched with fearful eyes as the Witch jumped into the next boat in the queue and started following after them.

Scooby placed his paw on Rory's arm to get her attention, and started pointing ahead of them. She watched as they got closer and closer to a huge replica of the Demon's head.

The Raging Wildcat {1} (Catman)Where stories live. Discover now