Chapter 16

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The next morning, Lizzie finally brings herself to leave Hope's mansion and go home. She headed upstairs to her room and walked inside

Josie was sitting at her desk, working on something. She turned her head as the door opened. "Lizzie?"

"Hey, Jo" She greeted.

Josie got up. "Lizzie, I am so sorry for what I-"

Lizzie pulled her sister into a hug. "It's okay. Happy birthday to us"

"You're... not still upset? You were gone for a couple of days" Josie said. "If it wasn't for the locator spells I did, I might have thought you died"

"I'm sorry for worrying you. I just needed some space. And I'm sorry for everything I did that led to you saying what you said"

"It's okay" Josie said, even though it wasn't.

"I just want us to have a good birthday where we aren't arguing or distant from each other"

"I want that too" Josie said with a small smile. "I have a date to our party"

"You do? Is it that Finch girl you were intrigued by when we gave a tour to the school?"

"You noticed that?" 

"Yeah, I'm your twin sister" Lizzie pointed out. "And she's definitely hot. So is it her?"

Josie nodded a bit. "We sort of had a date in this room yesterday. After I bailed on another date. I'm just glad she was willing to give me so many chances. I dont want to mess up again"

"Well anything is better than the she devil" the blonde rolled her eyes. "As it so happens, I have a date too. Hope. Granted, its a friend date, considering she is dating Landon. But she didn't mind going with me"

"Well, I'm glad you have someone to go with" Josie said honestly. "Whether its a friend or romantic"

"And you're finishing moving on from the Dark Lord" Lizzie said, glad to hear it.

Josie nodded but was silent. Then Penelope came to the doorway and announced that their mother was not going to make it to their sweet 16, and Lizzie, shocked and hurt, shut the door in Penelope's face. Their mom wasn't coming home. And not even just for a normal birthday. For their sweet 16. And they had to find out from the girl that broke Josie's heart and insulted Lizzie any chance she had.


Hope Mikaelson left her room, thinking of everything that was planned that day. She was going on a platonic date with Lizzie Saltzman to her sweet 16. She was glad she had been able to help this new friend of hers, but she also considered the fact the girl had had a crush on her and wondered if that was why she had asked her to come or if the intentions were purely friendship as had been implied. Either way, she knew Lizzie was well aware of her feelings for Landon and the fact they were in a relationship that, while it may not be sexual yet, was serious.

She head down the hall and descended the marble staircase. Suddenly, she heard her phone ring, and she pulled it out to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hope, good, you answered. It occurred to me when we got to the school, we never discussed what you are wearing" Lizzie said.

Hope blinked in surprise. She hadn't expected this conversation exactly. Though she had expected a lecture once Hope was at the school. "That's a good question. I was about to go through my family's things and find something"

"Well I'm wearing a light blue dress, so it would need to be something that would compliment it. Like red. Despite the fact that the official complimentary color of blue is orange" Lizzie said.

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