Chapter 3

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The next day, Hope headed to school, already planning to avoid her tour guide that was also an attractive waiter at the Mystic Grill. Her mind had been thinking constantly about all of the ways this could go wrong, the way Landon could end up dying even if they didnt get close. if one of her father's enemies tracked her down and thought she and Landon were closer than they were. Landon could be used against her, And while she could handle herself, she didn't want Landon to suffer just because of her. It was bad enough he suffered mundane pain. But this- this wasnt his world. And she didnt want to get him killed.

The tribrid headed to her locker and pulled out her books before hearing a familiar voice approaching her, both sending relief and frustrations into her, frustrations because he didnt understand just how dangerous time with a Mikaelson was. "Hope, hey" her waiter greeted with a broad grin as he reached her.

Hope closed the door of the locker and gave him a faint smile before it slowly began to fade. "Hey. Look. about the two weeks...." she trailed off, unsure of how to get it out.

"You're canceling after promising two weeks" Landon said with a frown.

"I appreciate you trying to help. But... its better this way"

"So much for promises" Landon said lightly with a friendly grin to let her know he wasnt that serious. "Im not gonna demand you spend time with me. But you shouldn't just live your life in fear. People die every day. Its not your responsibility. And the purpose of life is living it. Just think about that a bit. " He turned to leave

"Landon wait" The words were pouring out of Hope's mouth before she could stop them
"I want to get to know you. I want to spend time talking to you. And I will try. But it's going to be hard for me not to push you away."

"I know. But I'm here for you. There's something about you that... I just want to get to know you. Spend time with you." Landon said, offering her a warm smile.

Hope found herself smiling back, unable to resist the comfort it provided her. "Okay. Okay I'll see you at lunch and we can talk a bit. Maybe even hang out after school if you're not busy"

"I have a shift at the Grill, but if you're free at eight, I'll be there." Landon said with a smile as he looked at her, glad she had agreed to spend time with him.

"Maybe I'll see you there" Hope smiled a little and tucked her auburn hair behind her ear before heading to her first class, thoughts going in her mind.

Soon enough, it was lunch time, and Hope looked around for the human she had grown fond of. Suddenly, she saw him approaching a table and getting bumped by Connor. "Oops, my bad" the jock said as Landon dropped the tray he was holding.

Hope's face hardened a bit as she looked at Connor before quickly going over to Landon, whose face was hard but his gaze lowered. He slowly looked up as Hope helped him clean up, a small smile forming on his face. They didn't say anything to one another as they continued cleaning up before throwing away the food.

"Thank you for helping me" Landon said once it was all done.

"You're welcome. Come on" Hope said with a small smile before leading him out of the cafeteria where they could talk alone.

"Where are we going?"

"I have no idea" Hope laughed softly as she continued to walk. "I just figured we could use a place away from the crowd"

A smile formed on Landon's face as he opened the door ahead of her so she could exit the building. Hope looked around before finding a place away from everything else and taking a seat. Landon sat across from her with a fascinated grin. No one had ever wanted to do things like this with him. Nor did they even want to talk to him. But Hope was different, and there were no words he could use to describe how wonderful this felt. Though part of him was waiting for it to come crumbling down as every good thing that happened in his life did. However, he was not going to let that stop him from enjoying his time with this girl that intrigued him in ways he couldn't explain. This girl that was the first person to actually make him happy, despite the fact they barely knew each other and the fact she kept trying to push him away

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