Old friends

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Adaliah and Legolas smiled at each other. The Elf stood up from the edge and offered his hand to Adaliah who took it.
They then shared a quick kiss and started moving towards the door that Legolas had come from. As they walked down the stairs, Adaliah remembered something,
"Oh dear."
"What?" Legolas asked clearly confused and little scared.
"Now Pippin is not going to leave me alone. He told me a long time ago that me and you would get together. I will never hear the end of it."
Legolas chuckled and opened the door, strong wind welcomed them.

Gimli was sitting near a pile of dead Orcs and smoking a pipe. They went over to him and Legolas declared,
"Final count, Forty-two."
The Dwarf laughed and replied,
"Forty-two?! That is not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princeling. I myself am sitting pretty on forty-three."
Legolas next to Adaliah frowned. He then took his bow and shot an arrow into a swightly twitching Uurk hai's head,

Gimli argued back and Adaliah sat down, enjoying the arguement.
"He was already dead."
"He was twitching."
"He was twitching because he has got my axe embedded in his nervous system!" Gimli said as he wiggled his axe inside the beast's head, making it move lightly.

Adaliah stood back up while laughing and placed a hand on both of them's shoulder. She said,
"Sorry, boys, but I am afraid you are both losers. I have the winning number......fifty."
They both looked at Adaliah with big eyes and Gimli asked in disbelief,
"Well, to be fair, i lost count after fifty so it is a bit more."

The Dwarf was about to say something but was stopped by Gandalf. He was on Shadowfax and said, "You can bicker later, right now we need to go and pay a visit to Saruman. Isengard has fallen to the trees but the wizard is still there. He can give us information."
They nodded and Aragorn, Théoden and Éomer behind the White Wizard, all on horses with a spare horse near them. Legolas climbed onto the horse and Gimli hopped behind him. Adaliah whistled and soon, Amir came.
She jumped on and the company started riding towards Isengard.

They stopped on a hill and looked to the North. Towards Mordor. They saw a red glow in the sky and black smoke rising. There were no birds singing, actually, there was no noise and Gandalf spoke, "Sauron's wrath will be terrible, his retribution swift. The battle for Helm's Deep is over. The battle for Middle-Earth is about to begin. All our hopes now lie with two little Hobbits. Somewhere in the wilderness."
Adaliah looked into the distance for one last time, trying to see her friends. She then turned Amir around and followed Gandalf.

They soon made it into the forest of Fangorn. But as they entered it, Adaliah felt that the forest wasn't filled with anger anymore. It was peaceful and calm. She rode next to Gandalf who asked quietly,
"So, you two are finally together?"
Adaliah blushed but nodded. The wizard smiled,
"I am glad for you. But I knew it would happen at some point."
"Oh, shut up."

Adaliah looked behind them and saw everybody looking around nervously. A low rumble echoed through the forest that made them more nervous. Adaliah laughed at their reactions and noticed how the trees started to get thinner. They must have been near the end. And that point was proven when she heard a laughter. A laughter of Hobbits.
The ground hurried the horses and soon made it to the battle field. There was water everywhere and not a single Orc in sight.

They rode in between the grumbled remains of a gate. Pippin and Merry were smoking their pipes on a wall when they noticed the riders. Merry stood up and rised his hands,
"Welcome, my Lords...to Isengard!"
Aragorn and Adaliah grinned. Only Hobbits could relax like this after a battle. Gimli look at them behind Legolas and growled jokingly,
"You young rascals! A merry hunt you have lead us on and now we find you feasting...and smoking!"

Pippin leaned forwards, resting his elbows on his knees, and looked at them. He said,
"We are sitting on the field of victory, enjoying a few well-earned comforts. The salted pork is particularly good."
The Dwarf started listening more carefully and asked,
"Salted pork?"
"We are under orders from Treebeard, who is taking over management of Isengard."

Adaliah couldn't hold herself together anymore. She jumped down from Amir into the water and ran up to the wall. Once up, she tackled the two Hobbits into a hug.
"Have you got any idea how much i worried about you two?!" She mumbled.
Pippin said, struggling for air in Adaliah tight grip, "Cannot...Breathe..."
She smiled let them go. Merry and Pippin grinned back at her, they had a couple of scratches and bruises here and there but nothing too bad. She whispered,
"I missed you, old friends."

Adaliah and the Hobbits got down from the wall and went to the others. Merry and Pippin were welcomed dearly and soon, Merry was riding behind Éomer and Pippin behind Aragorn. Like that, they went to the tower where Saruman was hiding.

Hi It's been a while. I will publish chapters sometimes but not so much. I really don't have energy or  lot of inspiration to continue this book. I hope I can someday finish this book. But for now it's just occasionally publishing a chapter or two.
I hope you understand and I want to thank you for reading, I really really really appreciate it🤍

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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