After a swift ten minute run, he'd arrived at U.A, using his student tag to gain entry to the school. He deactivated his quirk, jogging up to the principal's office. Upon arrival, he didn't even get to knock as he heard Nezu.

°"Come in Kazuma"

°(How does he... Oh forget it, it's Nezu we're walking about.)

He stepped into the room, seeing Nezu sitting at his desk, paws clasped together. Kazuma sat across from him, feeling the tense, hidden rage behind Nezu's eyes.

°"Now. You call me up to tell me that your little brother, Yagi Izuku, has gone missing. That is a serious statement."

°"I know sir. But I wouldn't make it unless I'm absolutely sure."

Kazuma responded seriously, causing Nezu to nod, motioning his paw to the back corner of the room. He turned and saw a third figure in the room, wearing a beige trench coat, and similarly coloured fedora hat. He wore a somewhat smart suit underneath the coat. He knew this man, it was Tsukauchi Naomasa, the highest ranked detective in the police force due to his quirk, Lie Detector.

°"Hello Yagi Kazuma, it's been a while since we've seen eachother."

The detective took a seat next to Kazuma. Then continued.

°"The principal has asked me to help in finding your brother. I'll need you to answer some questions, that way we can begin as soon as possible."

With a nod, the detective began.

°"My quirk is Lie Detector. Anything you say to me will be judged as a lie, or the truth, by my quirk. Now, first question."

°"When did you first notice that your brother had gone missing?"

°"Just around a half hour ago, sir."


°"How old is your younger brother?"

°"He's ten years old, sir."


Tsukauchi made notes as he questioned Kazuma.

°"Do you know whether he had run away, or been kidnapped?"

°"No sir... But... I'd say that running away would be less likely..."

Truth, Truth

°"And why would that be?"

°"Because... He wouldn't be with me... I'm the only person he can turn to..."


The fact that statement came out as a truth rather worried Tsukauchi. He glanced at Nezu, who was nursing a cup of warm tea.

°"Why only you? Can he not turn to his parents, or his twin sister?"

He noticed how Kazuma was tensing, but then saw him relax a little, as if he would be confessing a sin in church.

°"No... Our... Our parents don't even know he exists anymore... And... Izumi... She..."

Kazuma exhaled deeply, shakily.

°"She... Borderline tortures him..."

Truth, Truth.

The room became so quiet you could hear a pin drop. But instead, a very faint cracking could be heard. The two guests turn to the principal, seeing how the cup hwe was holding, had grown a very large crack. The eyes of both humans widened, a lot. Nezu cares about his tea collection as much as he cared about being the principal of U.A. They'd also never seen him so... So furious.

°"Tsukauchi... Continue..."

The chimera stated, through grit fangs. Without hesitation, he asked a few more questions.

°"Um... What kinda of things would Izumi do to her brother..?"

°"I don't fully know... But I know that the Bakugou twins were in on it... Every time I'd see him after school, his uniform would be covered in new burn marks... And he'd always have a new bruise, or bloody nose..."

Truth, Truth, Truth

°"And his parents..?"

Kazuma scoffed in annoyance.

°"Parents my ass... They just straight up forgot him... He never gets a birthday celebration, Christmas, nothing... Hell we went on a family trip to America a year ago, and they completely left Izuku at home... I argued with them about it, but they wouldn't fucking take him..."


As Tsukauchi repeated truth, a small, white projectile flew past their faces. They froze, listening as the teacup Nezu threw shattered against the wall.

°"Call the commission, call the Yagi's, the Bakugous. And get Aizawa and Gran Torino here. There's going to be some very, very, serious discussions to be held."

Every word he spoke held undeniable authority. Without another word, Tsukauchi left to call the necessary people.

Two hours later


All people needed we're currently sitting in the office of Principal Nezu.

The Yagis and Bakugous were confused, the insomniac pro hero, and retired pro hero, both seemed irritated that their peaceful days were ruined. Torino spoke up.

°"You'd better have a damn good reason for bringing me here Nezu. The reruns of MasterChef Canada won't wait for themselves."

He did enjoy watching all of those pre-quirk era reality and competitive shows. And he was very antsy about missing them.

°"I apologise Gran Torino, but we must wait for one more person. Ah, one moment."

He pressed a button on his desk. Two minutes later, the president of the hero commission herself, entered. Needless to say, this brought the tension in the room even higher than before.

°"Now. To go straight into the crux of the matter."

Stated the principal. As soon as he did, his eyes sharpened, his voice lowering in seriousness.

°"Yagi Toshinori, Inko and Izumi... You three are in deep, deep trouble..."

The trio looked at eachother in confusion.

°"Um... Why would that be, sir?"

Yagi Toshinori, also known as All Might, inquired.

°"Well, it has come to my attention, that your behaviour as both parents, and as a sibling, is incredibly questionable."

Yagi Inko, known as Green Cheetah, furrowed her eyebrows.

°"But... Izumi and Kazuma have been doing fine... We've been doing everything for them... And Izumi is an amazing little sister..."

°"And Izuku? What of Izumi's twin brother? Have you done everything for him?!"

Nezu raised his voice significantly as he made that statement. The room froze as he did too, a mixture of confusion and rage. Confusion from everyone who wasn't Nezu, Kazuma and Tsukauchi, and rage from those three.

As the Inko let it sink in, her demeanor changed. She became colder, more impatient.

°"Oh... He's why we're here... What's that brat done this time..?"

To say the Bakugou parents were shocked at her new mannerisms, would be a very large understatement. However, it was Kazuma who spoke up.

°"Oh, I don't know... Maybe the fact that HE'S GONE MISSING!!!"

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