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It's been seven days since Quasimodo kidnaped you, and to be honest, things could be much worse.

Quasimodo was a sweet boy, giving you anything and everything you needed. He was at your beck and call. The slightest whisper that you were unsatisfied and he was at your side. You appreciated his devotion to you. Hell, you didn't even get this kind of attention at home. It was like having your own servant. All that being said, you were still a prisoner. Quasimodo was kind but still loyal to Archdeacon Frollo, which meant doing every vile order he was given.

Thankfully, Frollo didn't seem to want to be anywhere near you, giving his commands to Quasimodo in the shadowy halls below the belltower. Quasimodo followed all of the orders to a T, never straying from his beloved master. At least he would tell you what he had to do, like not letting you leave the tower until the Archdeacon figured out what to do with you. A shiver went up through your spine. You felt your heart stop when Quasimodo told you that. You almost wish it hadn't kept beating. Anything that monster Frollo would do to you would be a thousand times worse than a heart attack. No one survived archdeacon Frollo's torture, and if they did, there wasn't much to live for anymore.

The thought of being handed over to that demon in priest robes by such a sweet man as Quasimodo terrified you. It was a sharp reminder that even if he was kind, Quasimodo could not be trusted. It was alright, though, because you had a plan. The days were long in the belltower. It gave you lots of time to think, to make a plan to destroy Claude Frollo. It finally came to you on the fourth day. What's a hunter without his hound? Thus with that bit of thought, your plan was born. You were going to take away Claude Frollo's most valuable asset, Quasimodo.

The plan was simple, kill them with kindness. Quasimodo was clearly starved for positive affection and human contact in general. Giving him a slight amount of heart would make him fold like paper. So that's what you did, giving him kind words over the days you were imprisoned. Saying how sweet he was for helping you. You never said any grand words, but they always made him melt like butter. In response to your kindness, Quasimodo showed you his life's work, the bells.

The bells were greater than anything you could have imagined, granted you never imagined what the bells of Notre Dame looked but nevertheless. They were stunning, solid bronze behemoths carved with each individual name on the middle of their shining bodies. Their voices rang for miles, shaking the very structure and filling your soul with awe. Quasimodo introduced you to all sixteen of them, the triplets Jean-Marie, Ann-Marie, and Luise-Marie. Little Sophia, the youngest. Guillaume, the only boy, and finally Big Marie. She was your favorite. Her shiny bronze coating hadn't tarnished a bit since her birth so long ago. She was gigantic, bigger than all the other bells combined. She's the Bourdon, the mother to them all.

Quasimodo had named all the bells, Caring for them with a devotion you had never seen before. You genuinely think the only thing keeping him sane in this depressing tower was those bells. His love for them was unlike any other. Hearing the admiration in his voice when he talked about the bells was almost endearing. Quasimodo's cute little hobbies weren't all related to the bells, though, as you had learned, he is also a fantastic woodcarver!

He showed you his models on the third day, hoping to raise your spirits. Oh, did it ever, though you hid your excitement with stern nods and critical eyes, you adored those wooden dolls. The model square was any child's dream, filled with painted dolls and big dollhouses, even a replica of Notre Dame! It filled your heart with a childlike joy to see all of the cute carvings. Quasimodo seemed to have made anyone he had seen from the belltower into dolls, the butcher, the shepherd who hauled his sheep through the plaza to get to his fields, and anyone else you could think of. 'I could make you one,' You remember him offering. 'It would be nice to have an up-close model!'

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