Chapter 9

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"Why does it seem we've being flying for ten hours?" asked Gryff.

"That's just you being lazy," said Alyssa. "We've being flying for an hour, and we're almost at Dor. We'll arrive at Kast in almost half an hour."

"Finally," said Gryff.

They flew on.

The water beneath them eventually turned to land. They landed at the crater of the dungeon which they had previously blown up.

"I was not expecting it to be like this," said Gryff.

"Well, when you blow up a cave, the stone tends to fall on top of it," said Alyssa.

"I know that," said Gryff. "What I meant was the size."

"Oh, yes," said Alyssa. "Then it is remarkable."

"We should probably go down and explore," said Gryff.

"Okay, let me get the FloatBoat," said Alyssa.

They started descending into the cave. Rocks fell upon them as they slowly started to reach the ground of the once vast cave, now destroyed to a quarter of its size.

"This seems to be no good," said Alyssa.

"True," agreed Gryff. "Even if Hywell did have a secret base here, it couldn't have survived the destruction."

"Gryff?" said Alyssa. "Do you see that?"

"See- oh," said Gryff, as his eyes fixed upon what Alyssa was seeing.

Dust particles flew around the cave. Slowly, the speed of the particles increased until it seemed like a whirlwind. The dust accumulated right in front of Alyssa and Gryff, giving shape to a familiar figure.

"Corlys?" said Gryff.

"Eloria and Vaelor need help," said Corlys. "We have to go help them now, or else they might die."

"Where are they?" said Gryff, always thinking of the mission at hand.

"They are at the east side of this island, in a hidden cave," said Corlys. "I can take you to them. Just get on your FloatBoat and-"

"Wait," said Alyssa. "Corlys?"

Corlys turned to face Alyssa. "Yes, it's me," he said.

A single teardrop rolled down Alyssa's cheek.

Gryff tried to put his hands over Alyssa's shoulder. "Alyssa, we'll discuss this later, but right now Eloria and Vaelor need help. We need to rescue them."

Alyssa pulled away. She looked at Corlys. "Why haven't you met me, or even sent me a message of any kind?" Her voice broke.

"I tried," said Corlys. "But Lady Lara said that it would be dangerous for me to-"

"Lady Lara?" said Alyssa. "She knew you were alive?"

"She helped me control my powers," said Corlys.

Alyssa choked back tears. "Powers?" she asked.

"We have to go help Eloria and Vaelor," said Gryff. "Snap out of it, you two. I am the Prince, and I command you to come with me to help them!"

Corlys looked at Gryff. "As you command." He gestured to the FloatBoat.

"What trouble are Eloria and Vaelor in?" asked Alyssa, trying to keep Corlys with her.

"They have powers now too," said Corlys. "Except they don't know how to control them."

Just then, a huge noise erupted from above. Even from their low altitudes, Corlys, Alyssa and Gryff could see a golden flame rising high above the sky.

"It's Eloria," said Corlys. "We must go," he said, turning back to Alyssa and Gryff.

Alyssa nodded, finally coming to her senses. "Get on the FloatBoat," she said.

Once Alyssa and Gryff were on the FloatBoat, Corlys melted into thin air.

"He does that now," muttered Gryff. "Hold on!"

They ascended and flew to the source of the flame, where they found Vaelor clutching the limp body of Eloria.

"She just collapsed," said Vaelor, as Alyssa and Gryff landed next to them. "We need to get her to a medical center."

Corlys materialized next to Gryff, who jumped. "Watch it," he said.

"Sorry," said Corlys. "We need to load Eloria into the Clandestine. That's the only way we can escape and save her."

"What about Hywell?" asked Gryff.

"Eloria managed to bring down the whole cave flaming down upon him," said Vaelor. "But seeing as he survived caves before, he might still be alive. We took his FloatBoat and ascended to the surface, when Eloria just let out this huge flame and then collapsed."

"Wait, Vaelor," said Alyssa. "Your eyes."

"What about them?" said Vaelor.

"Your eyes changed color," said Alyssa. "I don't remember you having blue eyes before."

"Neither did Eloria have golden eyes," said Vaelor. "But that's not our concern right now. We need to get Eloria to safety!"

"I'm piloting the Clandestine to you guys," said Gryff, running towards the plane.

Suddenly, Eloria's eyes jolted open. Her amber irises reflected the sunlight.

"He's coming," she whispered. And then her eyes closed.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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