Ch. 14: Bad Mistake

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Warning: This chapter is very gruesome, mature content!

Shot after shot, I just couldn't get enough of the alcohol. The dizzy feeling I felt and the warming in my body was so addicting.

"Body shots, girls!" Hallie screamed, getting everyone's attention as she layed down on top of the table getting herself ready. I poured tequila all over her body and put a lemon in her mouth, I also set aside a shot of tequila. Licking my lips, I brought my face down to Hallie's stomach and licked all the way up to her black bra, grabbing my shot glass I drank it all gone, then took the lemon out of Hallie's mouth. Scrunching my face up at the sour taste, I pulled the lemon out and raised up my fist punching into the air. Everyone around us clapped and cheered, saying things about how hot that was and how they want a turn. I looked at Hallie and saw that she was already staring, smiling like a lunatic, she held up her hand and I gave her a high five.
"I got you a drink." I heard someone say behind me, turning my whole body around I seen that I didn't know the guy offering me a drink. I grabbed it from the stranger and took a sip, it was delicious, I wasn't sure what was in it but I wanted more, taking several sips I almost had it finished when I looked back up at the stranger but he was gone. I shrugged my shoulders and finished what was left in the cup then I sat it on the closest table and started swaying to the music.

Thirty minutes into my wild dancing I started to sweat really bad, most likely from all the body heat in the living room, and I swear it was harder to breathe. Stumbling out of the living room, my eyes wouldn't focus on anything around me, I kept running into people and hitting my hips on the in table's. I could not believe how drunk I was, I silently giggled to myself. Before I could reach the back door to get some air, I was intercepted by the stranger who gave me the drink. "Well hello there, how are you feeling?" I heard him say, but he sounded like he was whispering. "I need some air," I mumbled, but it sounded all slurred. I took another step towards the door but almost collapsed right there, if it wasn't for the strange man that caught me. I was grateful that he was there to catch me, if he didn't then I would surely be on my ass right now. Giggling again, I held on to his arm as he led me away from the door, confused I slurred,"I need to go out side." Either he didn't hear me or my words were difficult to understand, but I still followed him and he kept a firm grip on my hand as he led me away from the party and up the stair case, he had to carry most of my weight because my vision was impaired and my steps got sloppy. "Where are you taking me?" I questioned, trying to make my voice be heard over the music and also trying not to sound so drunk. "You needed air, so I'm taking you to one of the bedrooms." As he talked, he looked at me and smiled a creepy smile, but maybe my imagination was playing tricks on me, I giggled again at that thought.

Finally walking up all the steps, he opened a door and pulled me in, laying me on the bed gently. He walked back to the door and locked it, immediately I got scared but my mind wasn't processing correctly and my body wouldn't move. I tried lifting my arms but they wouldn't budge, neither would my legs. My vision was cutting in and out, I couldn't see what was going on. My head rolled to the side, and I couldn't move it, it felt like my whole body weight a thousand pounds.
I felt fingers on my legs, rubbing up and down. I tried to open my eyes but it was  impossible, I couldn't even open my mouth. Feeling those same fingers rub up higher on my body, made my heart speed up. There was a tug on my T-shirt and it started to be taken off of me, I couldn't do anything to stop it, I felt a breeze on my skin and knew that my shirt was off. Sweat rolled off my body, but I was freezing. "Your so beautiful, I can't wait to see how good you feel." Those same hands that were touching me before started touching me again, this time more roughly, I could feel his nasty fingers slide across my skin, giving me chill bumps. The bed dipped as he got on, I felt him hovering above me. He reached his hands under my skirt and pulled my panties down, so they were around my ankles. I thought I heard someone saying my name but I couldn't be sure. He lifted my skirt up onto my hips, and I just knew that he was about to rape me, I silently started crying, I could feel my tears making my cheeks wet, I was hopeless, I couldn't do anything to stop what was happening. I thought I heard a commotion, but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. I used all the strength I had left in me and opened my eyes, but what I seen was most likely fake, Anthony could not be in the room. I watched the fake Anthony rip the guy of me and started to punch him repeatedly, I also thought I seen Hallie enter the room andrnan right over to me, trying to put my panties back on me and my shirt. Just then all my strength evaporated from me and my eyes closed on their own, I actually think I might have blacked out.

The next time I was able to open my eyes I was in someone's car. I glanced around me and seen that Anthony was driving, "What's going on?" I asked confused. Before he could answer, I felt like I was going to throw up, I cupped my hand around my mouth trying not to puke all in his car. I felt the car slow to a stop and I rushed out the car like my ass was on fire, puking my guys up in the process.

1086 words, I hope it wasn't to bad for your pretty eyes. I made this chapter longer than the rest because I haven't updated in five days, if there's any mistakes or if I should change something, let me know! Thank you for reading!

Hugs and kisses,

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