Chapter 2: Thunderstorm

Começar do início

We had already gone farther than I could ever imagine. Saphir had mixed some vials and created a purple liquid that destroyed the lock of doors when poured inside, and we had slipped past the guards thanks to my directions. Right now, we were almost out. The boss' office had a long window, and Saphir had explained to me that we could just fly away if we found the keys to her sea stone handcuffs.

The plan was simple enough. And she had even thought about where to go after we got out: According to her, there is a man living on the mountains of this island who will absolutely take us in once she shows him her necklace. The golden medal tied to the lace had the symbol of the royal guard of her country. Apparently, Saphir heard a rumour that a well-known warrior from her homeland had settled here years ago. It was a bit of a wild guess, but if this warrior was still around, they may even be able to cure Saphir's life, or so I secretly hoped.

All my determination crumbled when we get to the door, though. A shiver run down my spine at the sight of the knob. How do we know there is no one inside?

Before opening the door, Saphir reassured me, "He is attending a feast for his birthday. A guard in the infirmary was boasting about it."

"But what if..."

She took her index to her mouth and pull the knob.

The door opened, revealing the familiar scenery: a wooden desk, a chair, and behind wine-coloured curtains, a colossal-arched window, reaching up to the ceiling, opening onto a small stone balcony.

I could hear Saphir gasping at the sight, jaw dropping in awe. The were no many windows in the tower. I let her have her moment before we both get to work. My first instinct was to search the desk for the keys. She headed for the bookcase on the wall. I had been here countless of times, always with my head down, accepting the messages and letters the man sat on the desk gave me, and I had never seen any keys lying around. Of course, I had never had the opportunity to vandalize the place at pleasure.

"What now?" I scowl.

An hour had passed, but after tearing the place down, the keys were nowhere to be seen. The panic I had buried was resurfacing, making me second guess my decisions for the night.

"Well, plan B; let's find a rope or something to get down," her resolve, in contrast, was intact.

"There are guards on the entrance below."

"We will see what to do after we go down," she plainly said, "I will search that for a weapon." She pointed at a half wall that hid a giant glazed showcase with several ornaments, medals, and awards. Awards for what, was something that eluded me. Getting the front row in hell, maybe.

Every now and then we would throw glances at each other to keep our spirits up, muttering "I think this might work", "you are doing great", "we'll leave tonight", among other words of affirmation. As I was finishing ting the curtains to the railing of the balcony, I sensed a presence behind me. A threatening presence. I swallowed hard as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up in horror.

With slow movements, I turned on my toes and faced the dark figure looming in front of me. The owner of the office remained motionless, his eyes serious, regardless of the grin on his lips. I begin to step back in fear, tripping with curtain. Before I fall, though, he catches my arm and pulls me towards him, a motion that has me almost fainting.

"You should be more careful; it would be a pity to tarnish such beauty with a clumsy mistake."

If that was a compliment, I understand why he has to buy girls instead of dating. Puns aside, his grip on my skin is harsh and, coupled with the terror I feel at having him so close, I can't help but be at his mercy.

The Fallen Angel And The Demon In GreenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora