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"Mr. Theerapanyakul?" Wate, my bodyguard, looks in my room. A smile appeared on my face. It still makes me incredibely happy to be called this, even if we were married for nearly two years now, it still feels a bit unreal.
"A visitor, introduced himself as Mr. Phanthmitr. Said he has a commercial reason to come." I nodded and got up. For sure they wanted to see Vegas, but he was not home right now.
The visitor was a stranger, he seemed pretty harmless but was guided by two bodyguards. "It is a honor to finally meet you, Mr. Theerapanyakul", he greeted and bended. I returned the greet. "I am honored as well. Do you want to come in?"
He tilted his head and looked around. "Your husband is not around?" I hesistated for a moment. "Huh?" The man waved off. "You wouldn't be so stupid to let me in if he could hear us, I know, I am sorry."
I had to admit that I was curious, curious about what this was, so I just nodded slowly and brought him in the kitchen.
"Let me just ask one question before: Does your husband even know that he is alive?" I slowly shaked my head. "He doesn't even suspect anything", I answered. I mean – it was correct. I was the husband, and I didn't knew what the hell was going on here. The man looked a bit released. "To be honest – I wasn't sure if you really could hide a thing that is so importaint. You changed, Mr. Theerapanyakul. Especially about your Pete." I swallowed hard, but I didn't answer. "But after knowing you for so many years I should have known you good enough, even if we just communicated by text messages or phone calls. Anyway. Will you meet him in the next time?"
I hesistated for a moment, and the man laughed a bit. "I know, I know. He is literally so annoying, but he doesn't cooperate that well at the moment, you know? Just talkes about you, that he misses you and all that stuff. Maybe a little visit would help to open his lips."
His eyes looked over my body, and a dirty little laughter left his mouth. That my smile was unreal and forced didn't bother him, it seemed appropriate looking forward to visit who-ever-the-heck. "What about Pete? I can't just-" The man nodded. "Sure. You can't just go, out of nowhere, and be away for a few days, he would probably start to misstrust you."
I shaked my head. "I don't really worry about that, Pete trusts me blind. No, it is more... I shouldn't fuck with this guy to get informations, I am literally married."
He smirked. "That's what I mean by 'you changed'. But I don't see any other possibility, and I mean, the last times that hasn't stopped you."
The last times. That means..
I swallowed and nodded again. "I will call you when I know I have free time, okay? But I am not sure when Pete comes home, so you should rather go." He got up. "Sure. Just know your priorities, okay? Have a great day." I gave back the greets and closed the door behind him. Then I walked in my room, in OUR room, burried my face in my husbands pillow and started to cry silently.

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