Chapter 3: Tess

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I check the contents of my bag for the third time, mentally checking off everything on list in my head as I sidestep pedestrians. Everything is in its place.

I keep my head down, blonde hair curtaining my face as I turn down an alley. As I cross the alley, I lift my face up to keep a better eye on my surroundings. As I walk, I stuff my hair into a short brown wig, placing a cap on top for good measure. I duck behind some crates, the only time I'll stop moving and watching, to put the green contacts in. By themselves, they look an unnaturally bright green, but my brown eyes darken them a bit to make them look realistic. I duck back out into the alley and step into the light at the other end.

This street is much bigger than the alley I left behind and much dirtier too. The bigger streets tend to collect more trash, what with more people hanging around, not caring if some unwanted scrap falls to the ground unnoticed. I find a large pile of garbage close enough to my target, with two other lows already digging through it. I drop to my knees and start sifting through the pile. My hand closes on the one thing I was actually looking for. I pretend that I'm still digging through the trash, when in reality I'm rubbing charcoal on my hands where no one can see it. I sit back on my heels and pretend to wipe sweat and hair from my face, transferring the charcoal on my hands to my face. I continue to dig through the pile, willing myself not to cringe as I lift a fruit peel or some shard into my carefully ordered and clean bag.

Then I put my plan into motion. As one of the other lows reaches for something, I snatch it up. He turns to me, eyes flashing with anger.

"Whatcha go and do that for?" he yells. Heads swivel to look at all the commotion.

"It's mine." I grit out, careful to disguise my voice. I lift my eyebrow in a challenge.

The look angers him further.

"No, it's not! I found it and was grabbing it. You swiped it out from under me. It's mine fair and square!"

I simply shake my head, already tired of this conversation. How long do I have to keep goading him?

He lunges for my hand, and I lift the coveted object, a brick for goodness sake, high above my head, teasing him. I leap to my feet, raising the brick even higher above him. He lunges once more before I finally get him to crack and he takes his first swing.

His fist hits my stomach, and I drop the brick. I send a punch my attacker's way. I catch him in the side, just under his ribs. Soon the fight gets messier, turning into an all out brawl. I let the low get a few hits in to make the scene believable. Our fight finally gets the attention of the Street Keepers inside the building where I knew they'd be, and they come rushing out. They immediately jump into the fray, one pushing the low back into the garbage, another ramming me against the wall. I curse to myself. That's going to leave a bruise. As the low tries to come at me one more time, I move to fight him off. I swing fruitlessly at the low, swiping the Street Keeper's badge from his chest when my fist arcs down. Perfect.

The other Keepers subdue the low, and the one holding me against the wall drops me.

"Get lost, both of you!" he barks at us, and the low and I head in opposite directions down the street.

I double back towards the building down deserted side streets, this time approaching from behind. I take the trash out of my bag and drop it on the ground. I pull my wig and cap off, switching the wig for a longer red one. Using a wipe, I clean the charcoal off my hands and face. Some of it sticks under my nails, annoying me. I take the green contacts out and put them in their container, choosing to keep my eyes brown for the next phase.

I reach the building's back door and swipe the key card. The door unlocks, and I slide in.

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