The Bellringer

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Quasimodo continued climbing the long stairs until he reached a large, open room. It was rectangular and wide, with two long stone walls ending with an open balcony at each end. The ceiling was high and arched, with wooden beams hiding little pigeons' nests in their corners. The room smelled of dust and iron, with creaking beams that wailed with every step Quasimodo took.

Quasimodo continued to walk on the creaking floor until he reached a small nook. The nook had a small mat on the floor next to a sizeable severed hand of a statue, which held two small candles. A curtain shielded the little bed away from peering eyes. Quasimodo kneeled to the mat and set you onto it gently. He moved his hands away from you for a moment. Holding them up in the air, almost as if to tell you he wasn't a danger.

This lack of touch didn't last long. Quasimodo moved his hands to the rope on your wrists, untying them carefully not to hurt you. Once you were untied, you bolted away from the monster, hiding away next to the candle holding statue hand. The ugly boy brought his hands close to his chest, and a mildly surprised look came to his face before turning his face to the floor, almost as if he was ashamed. A horrible silence fell over you two as you cowered away from him in fear. You stared unblinking at the man from your open hiding spot. Watching like a hawk for any sudden dangerous movement. Quasimodo squirmed under your intense gaze, obviously very uncomfortable. You almost felt sorry for the boy. He looked like a scared puppy taken away from its master. Quasimodo looked between you and the floor, clearly wanting to break the uncomfortable silence. He was the first one to speak, "I'm sorry..." He said in the meekest voice you have ever heard. It was a pathetic voice, the kind a little child would use when their parents had just punished them. Rage filled you as you listened to that voice. How dare he! Kidnap a random person off the street and then have the audacity to apologize to them?!

You could no longer contain your anger as you yelled out to the formidable hunchback. "How dare you!" You slammed your fist against the floor as you yelled, making the hunchback across from you jump in fright. "You kidnap a woman then apologize?! Who do you think you are!" You continued screaming at the hunchback, crawling closer with every word. Quasimodo seemed frozen in fear at your outburst. "Where did you even take me? Where am I? Speak!" You yelled into his face, all while Quasimodo sat stunned and silent. The boy's silence fed your rage. "SPEAK!" you screamed once more.

The monster finally broke out of his trance, stammering for an answer, "W-We are in the belltower! T-The belltower of Notre Dame!" The boy stuttered out finally. You were still unsatisfied with his response.

"Why did you bring me here, bastard!" You interrogated.

"It was a mistake! I'm so sorry! I-I never meant to!" The hunchback looked terrified, scared of your loud, raging demeanor. His answer only raised more questions for you. Thus you continued your interrogation.

"What do you mean mistake?" You slowly began to calm down, so you spoke with a less rage-filled tone but still tried to make it sound threatening.

"You're not supposed to be here. My master told me to get the dancer! But it was so dark! I couldn't see who she was!" Quasimodo's voice wavered. He looked like he was on the verge of tears. The bellringer took a deep breath before continuing, "I've made an awful mistake. You're not who my master needs. I've failed him,"

The bellringer looked at the ground dejectedly, but you could hardly care less. Your mind was too busy running with the words he said. The dancer? What dancer? He couldn't possibly mean Esmeralda? Your face fell, and your blood ran cold the second the idea came to mind. The more you thought about it, the more sense it made. Whenever Esmeralda danced near Notre Dame, a tall hooded figure would stare at your sister with ever burning eyes, never saying a word and leaving as fast as they came. The idea that the mysterious figure who watched your sister dance was the very same man who had been killing your people like cattle shook you to your core. If Frollo was that man, you don't know what that spelled for Esmeralda.

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