Girl Meets World

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{Riley's Bedroom}

(Kat's Pov)

Riley , Maya and I were sitting in Riley's Baywindow. "Why do we have to sneak out of the house if we're not doing anything wrong until we sneak onto the subway?' Riley asks me and her best friend maya . My Twin Sister and I look at each other. "You think you're ready to just walk by your parents?" I said to The best friend i share with my other half. "I think I'm ready" Riley Tells Us. "Let Us see your face as you walk by your parents." Maya Joins in onto the conversation. She gives us a weird look which is translates as a dead give away she guilty look. "Why are you making that face at us, Riley?" I ask my brunette friend. "Because I'm sneaking onto the subway." She repiles back. There was no way she was ready and i could tell she knew she wasn't by what she says next . "Out the window" it was more of statement then an ask coming from our best friend. "Lets go" Maya tells her. Maya and Her begin to crawling out the widow but even as dumb as i acted i knew Mr Matthews was out there so all i did get up and go over and sit down on Riley's bed making sure they was room for the girls when they got back because i knew any minute now they would come back though that widow with Riley's dad right behind them. Not to my not so surprise i was right not even a second later they came crawling back though the widow follow by Riley's dad. "Here's what i am thinking" Her father starts to say as Maya and Riley sit down on each side of me. "It not your world yet. It still my world because if it was your world Maya would have you on the subway already and kat wouldn't be sitting right here, she would be with you two thinking you put something over on me but she didn't you know how i know look at you your right here. Wait where were you sitting here while these two attempt to pull that over?" Mr Matthews turns to me

"Because as dumb as i am, even i saw this coming from a mile away" I say. "Maybe there is hope for you afterall" He says. I didn't know how to respond to that. i also didn't know if i should be offended by that statement or not"How long do I have to live in my father world" She asked her father as she looks at maya and i real quickly . "Until you make it yours, Riley do you know what i want more then anything go ahead make it yours" Mr Matthews say to this own daughter . "I will. and when i do will you still me here for me?" She questions her father. "Right here" Riley's mother show up in her daughters doorway "We'll be right here" Mrs Matthews states.Me, Riley and Maya get off of her bed and walk straight out of the door of her room.

{Location: New York City Subway Station}

Maya, Me and Riley Enter the subway, you can hear drumming. Maya and I do a little dance. "Weasel" My Twin and I exclaim. "Maya, Cat ! Who the new chick?" He asks us. "Chick , Down here i am a chick. no wonder why my parents don't want me on the subway" Riley leans close to maya and i as she says that. Yeah riles that why your parents don't want you down here. "Your slouching Maya , Cat" Gretchen tells us as she walks by. Maya and I do our model walk. "I am walking on the Cat walk." I say as we model walk to where we need to be to get on the train. Maya tries not to shake her head and laugh at what i said.

{Location: On the subway train}

Me , Maya and Riley are standing up on the train. Riley takes out some lipgloss and applies it to her lips which is unusual for her she doesn't do lipgloss. "Whoa Riley. You don't do Lipgloss" Maya says which just proves my point further more. "Oh i forgot to mention is that i am completely reinventing myself. I ride the subway now, I have kiwi lips now, and i am just as cool as you two now " Riley says to us. I was the further thing from cool but i didn't want to tell the brunette that , my twin sister was the cool one out of the two of us. "Yeah?" My Twin Sister Starts as she looking at someone. I didn't know where Maya was going to go with this so i was interesting to what she has to say. "Let see how how cool you can be when you look at him" Both me and Riley turn around as she says this . Ehh the boy was okay he wasn't that cute but then again he wasn't really my type , in fact i didn't know what my type in boys was quite yet. The boy smiles and Riley completely melts at the sight of him, she giggles. "Yeah your gonna need some lessons. Okay let me show you everything you need to know about boys and girls " Maya walks over to the boy . Well this was going to be Interesting that much i know. "Hi I am Maya. You're really cute" She sits down next to him. "We should hang out sometime. You make me really happy. You don't pay enough attention to me. This isn't working out. It's you, not me.we can still be friends. not really" Yep this was surely something but also typical Maya i was trying so hard not to laugh. Maya walks away from the boy. The boy look confused. My twin comes back over to me and Riley . "He available, we just broke up" My Other half was really something else but i do love her more then anything. "Are you okay? Do we need to talk about that?" Our Brunette Friend asked Maya. That is Riley for you always worrying about others. "You still want to be like us" Maya asks. "I want to be Exactly like you guys i think too much and you guys don't think at all" Riley says . Oh boy is all i can think. Not thinking isn't always good i should know. it was my one trait i wasn't exactly proud of more often not it gotten me into trouble since i always followed my Twin Lead. "See you get us, so lets not think" Maya says as she takes riley's hand off the poll. Riley goes flying all the way onto the boy's lap . Maya and I are watching them. "Hi We were just talking about you" Riley says to the boy. "You used to go out with my friend Maya" Subway Boy looks In our direction "I'm Lucas" He introduced himself to Riley. "I love it" Riley states. Lucas put Riley down in the seat next to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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