"Come Ahiru, perhaps you can get a new toy at the toy shop, yes? Clear your mind out. I have a guest you'd like to meet."

Ahiru simply nodded and went over to her bedroom to get changed out of her nightgown. She changed into a lovely yellow dress that lined threw the hems with duck prints while her hair was done up into a long braid.

She went back to Uncle Drosslmyer. After awhile, he'd led Ahiru off to her parents with a warm smile and explained she'd be with him for the day at the toy store. Ahirus parents had always loved Drosslmyer so they had no worries for their dear daughter and let him! The toymaker happily  held Ahiru's hand to led the way as they ventured to the toy store.

Yet all Ahiru could think about was the nutcracker...She felt so much sorrow about leaving him behind..she loved him dearly and was torn when he had become lifeless once more...

Ahiru arrived at the toy shop and was welcomed in with warmth! It was quite big that was for sure! She looked down at the ground and noticed foot prints on the snow... someone was here? Who could it be in such harsh weather conditions..?

Walking in, her uncle announced he returned and took his coat and hers to hang up. Ahiru couldn't hear the sound of boxes rumbling on each other with footsteps..wait is it.. couldn't be..-

A young boy with raven black hair, and a blue short sleeved shirt that was the color of the deep blue ocean, wearing long pants that were black, as he wore regular shoes, was coming in from a back room with boxes of new toys!

"Drosslmyer, I brought you the items you requested. I could've housed help though."

I-It was..It w-was!-

"Ahiru, meet Fakir..He was the young boy I spoke about."

Fakir! Ahiru couldn't believe her eyes and had the most dorkiest smile she could come up with! She admired the blush that complimented the boys tan cheeks! She may have been looking at him for quite some time when the young man turned around and began opening the boxes. Ahiru heard Drosslmyer chuckle in the background and left off to do whatever uncle's do.

After she thought Drosslmyer was gone she ran up and hugged him from behind. She let out a shaky breath not thinking any of this is real. Hugging him with a tighter as her heart beated uncomfortably.

"You're really here! please tell me this isn't another dream.."

She started to pat him and pinch herself not believing what she was seeing. She looked rather odd by her motives. Ahiru was happy though with tears of joy in her sparking sapphire eyes.

My, so many new toys the toy maker got! Fakir would be opening the box before he gasped, from being startled. He felt a soft chest against his back, with arms wrapped around him—,

“H-Hey! Watch those hands!”

Fakir blushed a bright somber red as he felt her hands roaming his chest as if patting him. Seeing her pinch herself, Fakir looked away rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

“Yeah, of course it’s me! This isn’t a dream. What did you think I was? A stranger?”

The young man cleared his throat before he perked up seeing Drosslmyer return. The old man went off to the fire place and sat down happily reading as Fakir carefully sat himself down on a cushion on the floor.

The Nutcacker PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now