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I woke up next to Andrea I grabbed my phone he said "yes?" I said where are you he said "no where" I said Niklaus Mikaelson!" he said "at the cafe" I said excitedly can you get me a blueberry muffin, and blueberry scone!  he said laughing "yes I can I gotta go" I said ok bye I hung up and I got up I walked to the bathroom brushed my teeth Klaus must of unpacked for us so sweet of him I thought to myself I went in my bag I grabbed my green rug rat low cut shirt and my rug rat shorts I set them down I got in the shower for 20 minutes I wrapped a towel around me I washed my face then I got dressed I put my hair in a pony tail

I woke up Andrea she got up she went in the restroom brushed her teeth got in the shower for 20 minutes then came out and grabbed her bag with a towel wrapped around her I helped her pick out an outfit I said which one with three outfits in front of her she chose the 2nd one she went in the bathroom and came out in the outfit

she said "mommy can we go eat!" I said hold let's wait on your daddy! she grabbed her tablet and played on it I grabbed my phone and texted Klaus where are you? he said "I'll be there in 20 minutes" 30 minutes later he showed up she said "daddy!" I gave him a glare he had my scone, blueberry muffin in his hands he handed it to me I set it down I said Klaus she wants to get something to eat go fetch so McDonalds of Spain thank you Klaus said "I'll be back" after 30 minutes he was back he said "the bloody workers kept getting wrong why can't we stay in the house I have here" she said "because Stefan would know you were here" he rolled his eyes affectionately

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