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I woke up to Andrea saying "mom wake up I'm hungry and I can't compel till I become a vampire" I dragged myself out of bed I said where is your dad she said "sleeping" I said really he thinks whatever after I get dressed and everything I'll compel a chef she said "thanks mom!" I went in my private bathroom I brushed my teeth I got in the shower for 20 minutes then I wrapped a towel around me I went through my closet

I decided to wear a green shirt and some jeans I put it on I put my hair in a bun then I walked downstair I saw Andrea was still in her pjs I said change now! you have to be at school soon she said "no" I said Andrea Bekah Mikaelson go change now! she said "fine" she walked upstairs I sighed covering my face with my hands I saw Klaus come down I said your child is on thin ice Klaus said "now she's my child little wolf" I said when she acts like this she is he said "well well,Elijah needs me so see you later" I said bye he vamp sped out the room I went outside

I grabbed a chef and compelled them to cook then they grabbed a cup and gave blood then they started cooking eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles she came back down with a butterfly t-shirt and butterfly leggings I said ok eat now she said "where's dad" I said with uncle Elijah" she said "oh" then she sat down and ate then I took her outside her bus came then I said bye sweetie she said "bye mom" I sighed it was stressful raising a 5 year old I walked in the house I sat down

a couple hours later

I said Elijah where is Klaus he said "in Mystic Falls with Miss Forbes" I said really I called Klaus I said Niklaus fucking Mikaelson why the hell did you leave without telling me or saying good bye to your damn daughter  he said "I didn't-" I interrupted him I don't give a fuck we have a child Nik he said "are you jealous that I'm with Caroline" I heard Caroline say "Klaus come on" I said hell no we have a kid that you left to be with her he sighed I said you know what you'll deal with whatever emotions Andrea has he said "Hayl- I hung up before he finished

I walked upstairs I went in Andrea's room I sat next to her bed I said well how was your day sweetie she said "amazing we learned how to write our name in Ms. King's class and in Mr. Jonas's class we learned how to count up to 20!" I said well that is great she said "where's daddy?" I said he's busy she said "but I wanna talk to him" I said we'll call him now I grabbed my phone I found Klaus's contact which was under Nik I facetimed him he said "hey princess" she saw Caroline she said "who is that lady" he said "that's daddy's friend" I covered her ears and said yeah that your sleeping with and leaving her for remember that he said "Hayley"

I uncovered her ears I said nothing to talk about Klaus remember it was always gonna be a one time thing and us using each other so get over it  I said well sweetie we'll talk to daddy later I hung up I hugged her she returned it I said I'm going to my room you can play or go see aunt Rebekah she went to play with her toys

I walked in my room I laid on my bed I cried softly in my pillow I was envious of Caroline she got the man I wanted and he never used her like he used me or like I used him I started throwing stuff then Andrea came in I stopped she said "mommy what's wrong" I wiped my tears I said mommy is fine sweetie she said "ok are you mad at daddy?" I said no mommy's fine she left then Elijah came in he said "she feels something is wrong with you and Klaus" I said we're fine  Elijah raised his eyebrow he said "you guys won't admit it but you guys are miserable" I said he's fine and I'm fine ok drop it he left the room I went to Klaus's art room I looked at everything  I saw he drew Caroline the bitch who didn't give him a child I destroyed it I started crying then I wiped my tears

an hour later

I went downstairs I saw Klaus he said "hey little wolf" I didn't respond I walked by him I saw Andrea came downstair I said hi sweetie daddy's here now and mommy's gotta go do something ok? she said "ok yes! daddy's here" I smiled at her Klaus said "Hayley where you going" I just ignored him  Andrea said "is mommy mad at you?" he said "Idk" I walked out the house

I went to the bar name Rousseau's I walked in I saw Cami I said hey Cami she said "strong drink?" I said yes she gave me one I drank it

hours later I drank 8 I said one more she said "are you sure" I said yes she gave it to me I drank it I left the bar I walked in the house I saw Klaus with a very angry look he said "are you drunk?" I didn't respond he said "Hayley talk to me stop ignoring me" I said what do you want me to say Klaus I'm going to sleep  he said "it's been hours it's 10pm Andrea was waiting for you" I said Klaus give me a fucking break I'm tired from everything I would rather turn it off but I won't because of Andrea she needs me so excuse me if I had some drinks to numb myself he sighed then he said "why are you trying to numb yourself" I said my feelings- never mind just leave me alone Klaus he said "Hayley stop"

I yelled Klaus leave me alone please I hate myself for what's going on with me  saw Andrea come out her room she said "mommy what's wrong" she rubbed her eyes I went to her I said nothing mommy was just talking to daddy she said "ok why were you yelling" I said mommy was just being loud she wasn't meaning to yell she went back in her room I vamp sped to my room I softly cried into my pillow

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