There is always the after.

Depuis le début

"If we go through the floo they might splint. They aren't fully recovered"Crabbe noted suddenly alarmed. 

"Not on a side along we should be okay" He stated

Before either of the boys could state another word Crabbe and Goyle gathered all their things including clothes and took them to Harry's house quickly. They knew this place fairly well and could navigate them both up into Harry's bedroom but something made them stop in their tracks. 

Voices. But not the normal voices because it wasn't Cedric but they also did recognise that voice. It was the voice of James Potter.

"Shit that's my father. He's going to fucking kill me Goyle help me please" He mumbled before starting to tear up with fear and panic setting into his eyes 

Goyle just looked at him He generally felt really bad but he just knew he brought this upon himself.

"I..i..i.. told my Dad I would stop this and i..i..i.. can't see the sadness in his eyes again." Harry practically begs as his breath starts to pick up as his hands shake.

" I am sorry but you need this. Both of you" Crabbe states looking between the two men. 

Draco was still crashed out in a heap of his own sweat and Harry was trying his best to keep eye contact whilst struggling to keep his steady breath. 

" We are doing this because we love you. Both of you" Goyle confirmed

"No please" Harry practically sobs becoming more of a wreck by the second. 

"You need to calm down okay? This is not going to get any better if you don't." Crabbe tells him sternly

" I'm fucking high I have no control of my body. I'm on the comedown. The utter worse part of being high" He mumbled quietly 

Before Harry could say anymore Crabbe swept off out of the room and followed the voices. Before long he ran into all of the marauders, Regulus and Cedric.

"James?" He said in a quiet soft voice

Everyone's heads snapped in his direction staring at him in utter confusion. 

"You need to help Harry he's not doing well and he is going to hate me for this but just please help him" Crabbe pleading 

Without even thinking James and Regulus stood up ready to help their son regardless but before they could go anywhere they heard running followed by retching sounds. 

They quickly decided to follow him knowing Draco was just passed out on the sofa. 

"Oh Harry" James whispered softly

"NO DONT DAD GO PLEASE NO" he screamed at his father upon hearing his voice. 

"You need me. I am not going anywhere and to be clear I am not mad at you" James replied softly

Harry just groaned feeling the pain all throughout his body

James slowly crouched down on one side next to him as regulus did the exact same just on the other side. 

"I'm sorry dad" he whispered

James' heart fluttered a little being called dad. This is something that hasn't happened in over two years so in a small way he considers this a small win

"Kid" regulus whispers next to him

"I know. I let you both down. I did it again. I know what I said. But it got the better of me and now I feel like utter shit but this is my fault" He whispers clinging onto the toilet bowl again just to steady himself and his vision.

twisted realities Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant