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NIGHTFALL. THE PARTY WAS GATHERED in the camper one last time, running over the composite plan for the fifth time. Everyone was geared and suited up in various camouflage gear. Their weapons were perfected. Protection from any possible threat covered the bodies of the fighters. 

It had been a short drive back to Hawkins, much too short for Eliza's comfort. 

The trailer park was quiet outside. The camper owners hadn't seen them return with the stolen vehicle, nor did they find them now. As long as the campers stayed hidden among the treeline, their base of operations would be safe. 

"Okay... one last time." Nancy turned to them. "Phase One."

"We meet Erica at the playground. She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready," Robin stated. 

Nancy nodded. "Phase Two."

"Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her," Steve continued. Nancy nodded. 

Eliza wiped her hands on her thighs. Already, only the second phase and so much could go wrong. Vecna could refuse Max's bait. He could sense their arrival on his property. Someone could step on a vine. Not to mention... Daisy was still out there, being his watchdog. 

"Phase Three."

Dustin perked up. "Eddie and I draw the bats away," he stated. Eddie ruffled his hair. 

Robin sighed, looking at Steve and Eliza. "That'll give us an opportunity to sneak into Vecna's hopefully empty house and trap him while he's preoccupied with Max. And... flambe." She shook the prepared Molotov. 

"Right. Now, no one deviates from the plan. No one moves on until we've all received the signal. Got it?"

"Got it." Everyone nodded. 

Eliza slowly stood up, triple-checking her gun the way Nancy had shown her. She was the second to last out of the trailer, followed by Eddie. By the time their feet touched the wet grass surrounding the trailer park, Nancy and Dustin were already leading the group halfway across the field. 

"You feeling good about this?" Eddie asked, nudging her lightly. 

Eliza exhaled through her mouth. "No."

Steve was the first enter to the trailer. The group followed tightly; Eddie making sure everyone was in before letting the door close. Eliza gazed up at the hole in Eddie's ceiling. Somehow, the gate looked worse than it had that morning. 

Someone had to go up there first. The vote was silent and unanimous: Steve. 

"Be careful," Dustin patted his back. 

Steve grabbed the sheets, testing their strength. "Thanks, dude."

He pulled himself up, hesitated at the barrier, and let himself fall through. Eliza watched him flip to land on his feet with expertise. He looked up at them, outstretching his hands. 

"Woo... what does he want us to do, applaud?" Robin muttered. 

Steve left momentarily to retrieve Eddie's mattress and set it up. Dustin gave him a cheap thumbs up. Nancy dropped off her pack and accepted Robin's boost. She fell through. Robin next, followed by Eliza, Dustin, and their weapons. Eddie was last. 

Everyone shouldered their weapons or readjusted their padding. Red lightning flashed outside the window. It was so nearby, the thunder made Eliza jump. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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