Chapter 16 The Final Challenge

Start from the beginning

They lose each other once again, while the coconut meanwhile lies lonely in the sand.

And as beautiful as the sight of both of them is, however much the fans enjoy their tussle, they've probably clearly lost the game.

"Okay!" exclaims Tutor, "I guess it's our turn now!"

And Max and Nat smile lovingly at each other.

Nat bends over again and kisses Max on the cheek.

A gesture that actually makes Max blush.

To the outcry of fans worldwide.

Max grabs Nat's body and stands up with him, kissing him on the forehead and placing him next to him.

And their hands seek each other as a matter of course.

Their exchange of glances is full of love and the way Nat now nestles against Max's arm doesn't just make their hearts beat faster.

Max kisses Nat's head and now tries to concentrate on Tutor and Yim.

They receive the coconut and wait for their start signal.

And when it sounds, Tutor tries to give Yim a hint, gesticulating wildly.

Again and again he imitates a blow with his right hand.

Points to his eyes.

Directs his gaze to the right and left.

Yim faces him with widened eyes, his lips trying to form what Tutor might be trying to say.

Tutor smirks at the sight.

Yim's pouty lips are scrumptious.

He's going to have to focus again if they're going to win.

So he runs off to look for a stone.

And Yim trots faithfully after him.

He doesn't know exactly what he's looking for, but he wants to be there when he finds the treasure.

But Tutor can't find a stone on this fine sandy dream beach.

And so he runs into the ocean and dives under.

Yim jumps in after him.

How sexy Tutor glides under water.

How attractive this body floating under water is.

And Yim now knows what he has always been looking for.

His treasure is in front of him and he just has to grab it.

And so he snatches at the precious fundus in front of him and encloses Tutor's back tightly with his arms.

And they both emerge again.

Without a stone.

Without the outside world.

Yim rests his face on Tutor's neck from behind as he carries him piggyback out of the sea.

And Tutor's eyes bear witness to his supreme happiness.

They proudly show who he has finally won over.

Even though they have now lost this game, they are living the greatest prize of their hearts at this moment.

"I guess it's our turn now!" whispers NuNew in Zee's ear, setting off an avalanche of tingles.

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