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Fakir..He looked so was tearing her apart..He looked so empty..Ahiru did not wish to see the nutcracker in such a way..

Ahiru did not know what she wanted anymore..All she could think of what she will do when this journey ends. Will she bid farewell to her family..or rather the nutcracker..?

"Hey, wake up. We arrived."

Ahirus dark eyelashes fluttered open to see him awake. She smiled which turn into a small frown. Fakir looked normal all right but..he seemed wasn't good and that was for Shure.

The small fairies had helped her get out of the boat and played her onto the soft grass. She wiggled her toes in it giggling by the grass tickling her. Ahiru looked over at Fakir to see that he was folding the blanket and thanking the fairies with their assistance.

Before she knew it a couple of guards showed up quickly as they bowed their heads..? It made no sense to her.. Looking at Fakir he had a distressed he was worried about something..?

The guards soon left abruptly announcing that Fakir has returned? What was going on? Did he knew these people? If he did why did he not tell her?

"We are so glad you are back Prin-"

Fakir quickly covered the guards mouth. It seemed to be an army soldier toy. Ahiru was starting to get a little annoyed of the situation. She did not know what was going on and felt like she had the right to.

After the strange event they were taken inside the castle as it was beautifully made! Walking in, Ahiru loved every part of was gorgeous! It almost reminded her of home! How everything was delicately made.

Ahiru looked back at Fakir to see that he was panicking and hiding something? How peculiar? What could he be hiding from her now?

Suddenly they were welcomed with toys that bowed and greeted poor confused Ahiru. A beautiful doll came running over eagerly as she held Ahiru's hands.

"You must be the one! Are you really the sugar plum princess?"

The toys looked to Ahiru for answers. Sadly all Ahiru could make out was blabbering nonsense as Fakir shook his head in disagreement.

With that in just a split second the doll grasped Fakir's hand and gasped!

"Your highness, you're going back to being a nutcracker! Oh no..this is bad! We need to find the princess and fast!"

Prince!? The nutcracker was a prince!? Oh who could have thought! Poor Ahirus mind was blown away! She did not know of what to think of! After knowing that and knowing that Fakir was turning back to his old self she couldn't help herself to blow up!

"So you mean, the princess isn't here..? She doesn't exist..?"

The s had nodded sadly as Fakir took a step back bewildered.

"All of this for nothing.."

Ahiru couldn't take it anymore and glared both at the toys and the nutcracker prince. It looked like a mother scolding her children! Such a tragic sight to see indeed!

"What is going on! I deserve to have an explanation! One second I was in my lounge the next I was shrunk down and was taken along this crazy journey!"

She huffed at the startled toys and looked at Fakir.

"I deserve to know what's going on can I be in service to help you not turn back into a nutcracker."

Ahiru looked at him with anger yet determination. She was upset- no she was furious of not knowing what was going on around her! Yet she was determined to help the handsome prince from turning back into a nutcracker!

This can’t be.. It can’t be.. Fakir felt himself take a step back nodding in disagreement, before turning, having his back face Ahiru. He felt disappointed in himself. Looking to the toy doll, he had her go off and find a book of spells the mouse king once used. Nodding, the doll Ran off for what seemed to be a few minutes before returning. Seeing Fakir can not sit anymore, he would stand and have the doll open the book. Reading it, he sneered, turning away..

“That’s it? True love is it?! All this time, I didn’t need that sugar—, sugar plum—, bah! Whatever her name is?!”

The doll sadly nodded in agreement as Fakir looked upset rather than mad.. the doll soon found a way for Ahiru to go home—, home.. Staying with his back facing Ahiru. His eyes widen as he hears something drop. The poor doll was back to being lifeless.. Fakir looked to Ahiru showing she was his only chance of hope.. Going to her. He held her hands and carefully kneeled down, proclaiming to love her..

“Stay with us Ahiru.. After all these days and nights of traveling have I learned to love you, and only you! You are their only hope.. Stay here! You can live with me and the others and go anywhere you please! You have to.. stay..”

It seemed Fakir was growing tired, like the others.. He didn’t have much time left to be alive as he will turn back into a nutcracker soon.. This wasn’t right! Fakir tried his best to stay awake and seemed out of breath. She has to say yes.. she has to! The small and big toys all look at her with hope as some turn back to their lifeless selves.. If she leaves, she will wake up and be home, and if she stays, it’s the same thing.. Sadly only Ahiru would know this, not the nutcracker.. Rising back up, Fakir didn’t dare let go of Ahiru’s hands as he declared his love..

“I love you, Ahiru.. Please stay..”

Fakir soon felt worse. Feeling his grip now gone from her hands, it seemed he too, was turning back to his old self.. This wasn’t good..

There in the background was a older man’s voice who spoke up..

“Ah, Little Duck! My, to what a way of ending this story with such grief and betrayal! It’s time to come home now, yes? Follow my voice..”

Fakir now, was back to his old, small self.. A nutcracker.. He was no longer anything, as all the toys were back to their old lifeless selves..

The Man however, seemed to be near a door and opened it as it was bright white as if like a portal almost.. It was the way home! Home..

The Nutcacker PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now