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Here is my first one-shot. I decided to do blicket because no one can hate on this ship. It is just so adorable. Let me know if I can do anything better for future one-shots. SPOILER WARNING!!!


(About 1 year after the events of the 15th book)

Blue was walking through the newly grown forests. This was usual for him. He loved to see how much has changed since he first did... since he first did anything. The only difference about this walk... he was not entirely focusing on how every things has changed. He is looking for the perfect spot. It needed to have everything. Flowers, shade, a clearing from trees (and how Sundew has been acting recently will all the trees, it was very unlikely) and rocks, soft grass, a small stream nearby if possible.
The sun was setting in the distance, but he still hasn't found everything he needed.
Maybe I should ask Sundew for help.
Blue decided not to. Sundew was probably busy hanging out with Willow or keeping Bumblebee fed. He chucked at the thought of the fierce little HiveWing dragonet. He remembered when Cricket brought an egg back from the Jewel Hive. He was worried at first, thinking that it was Crickets dragonet...
Blue struggled breathing. The air became so thin and hard to reach. He felt very lightheaded, and was trying as hard as he could not to fall over.
Was he too late? Was Cricket already taken by someone else? Was there no hope left for him?
Blue bit back tears, trying not to cry in front of his friends. Crying didn't seem to get him anywhere, so he always held it back whenever he felt like crying. This time it was hard.
He only gained back hope when he remembered that Cricket, much like blue, was much to young to have any dragonets yet. There was still hope for him!
He continued walking through the masses of trees, slowly losing hope. Did he just wast the entire day? He hoped not. He was about to give up the search when he picked up some vibrations with his antenna. He unfurled his antenna, trying to pickup exactly where it was coming from. He followed the vibrations until he was close enough to hear it.
It was a small stream. Blue looked around trying to see if he could see the perfect spot around him. There were trees everywhere. He looked down, finally giving up. He studied the grass underneath his talons and... wait.
Blue looked around where he was standing. He was in the perfect spot! It was even better than he imagined!
He quickly gathered himself together, pulling lots of jars and string out of a bag. He filled each jar with a little bit of flamesilk and strung the jars onto the tree branches. He took some fruits and fish out of the bad and placed them not a wooden platter, trying his best not to gag.
Now, he just had to do the hardest thing.
Just as the sun had set and the stars were starting to show he arrived at Cricket's family's house. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He stood there a second, waiting for someone to answer. Finally, Crickets's father opened the door.
"I'm here to see Cricket," Blue said, a little nervous. He knew Cricket's family for some time now, but talking to her parents was still nerve racking.
"She is in her room, but I don't think she wants to see anyone right now. She said it was something about someone she likes not liking her back... or something along those lines."
Blue refused to let himself feel hurt by this.
He let Blue in, and closed the door behind him. He slowly walked through the house toward Cricket's door. He heard crying from behind the door and his heart broke. Her father came around from behind blue and softly knocked on the door.
"GO AWAY!" Cricket yelled from inside her room.
Blue jumped. He has never heard Cricket sound that way. She sounded so angry and hurt.
Her father said, "Cricket, it's your..."
Cricket's father backed up, giving Blue some room next to the door. Blue sighed and lay his forehead on her door.
"Cricket," Blue tried. They both sat there in silence for a little, but Blue continued on, "I don't know if you are listening, but... if you want... meet me in the forest. I... I'll be waiting, no matter how long it takes."
With that he looked back over to her father, gave him a small nod and let himself out of the house.
When he arrived at the spot again, he sat still, listening to the sounds around him, but he still couldn't calm his nerves. All light from the sun was gone, and the only light came from the three moons and the jars of flamesilk above him. The sound of chirping Crickets made him feel nauseous and miss Cricket. He sat there for hours, just listening, but no one came.




Blue let his tears out. He let the rivers flow down his cheeks, creating small puddles beneath his talons. No one was near anyway, so why should he care if anyone saw him crying. He was alone. Forever alone...
It was nearly midnight, and he was still waiting. Maybe Cricket won't come. Maybe she doesn't care about him the way he cares about her.
He heard some rustle of bushes and the sound of small pebbles bouncing off one another, not far from where he was. He sat up, gathering himself together. A beautiful HiveWing with ink like splotches of black scales covering her from head to tail. The warm orange light from him flamesilk reflecting off of her scales with unmeasurable gorgeousness. Blue found it hard to stand up, with his legs ready to give way at any second. The HiveWing gave a small, quiet gasp at the sight of all of Blue's hard work.
"Happy hatching day Cricket," Blue said softly as he watched Cricket look around in awe.
"Y-you did this for me?" Cricket asked in disbelief, "You didn't forget about me?"
Blue finally had a heartbreaking realization that Cricket was crying over Blue, thinking that he forgot about her and that it was her hatching day.
"Of course I didn't forget about you. This is the most important day in the world for the most important dragon in the world," Blue said with a soft smile.
Cricket ran up to Blue and hugged him. She let out a cry as Blue wrapped his wings around her. She buried her face into his neck, and sat there crying.
"You ready to eat?" Blue asked Cricket. She looked over at the wooden platter, "Oh. S-S-Sure."
*Time-skip because I don't know what to write*
After they finished eating and awkwardly staring at each other, they sat down and looked at the stars together. After a few minutes, they both yawned at the same time. They fell into a massive giggle fit and fell on the floor. When they all calmed down, they sat in the same spot, still watching the stars. Cricket lay her head onto Blue's shoulder, making him jump a little, but he held as still as he could.
"Did you like your gift?" Blue asked.
"I loved it, but all you needed to do was be you," Cricket answered tiredly, "I would have loved that the same..."
With that, they sat there the rest of the night, staying by each others side, never to leave each other again.


This was my first attempt at a one-shot. Let me know how I can improve. If you would like, you can also read my Wings of Fire FanFiction book series that starts with my book, Wings of Fire; The Assassin. Thank you, and enjoy reading.

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