ii. | the weirdo on maple street

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        "And he knows you really well-"


        "And you're really badass, so it might give me a bit more confidence-"

        "Jonathan!" she exclaimed stopping his rant as she placed her hands on the sides of his arms. He looked at her, his eyes wide. "Of course, I'll come with you." He smiled slightly, taking her wrist and leading her out the front door.

        Cassie grabbed her bike, throwing it in Jonathan's trunk before she got in the car. Who knew how long the two would be gone? 

        "So, where are we going, exactly?" she asked as Jonathan drove down the streets of Hawkins.

        "Outskirts of Indianapolis," he replied, making Cassie raise her eyebrows. "He doesn't have enough money to live in the middle of the city, but he had just enough to get away from here."

        "How would Will even get out there?" she asked, shaking her head. "The kid didn't have his bike, and he can't drive. It just doesn't make sense."

        Jonathan shrugged. "Caught a ride with a stranger?" Cassie cocked her head to the side before nodding.

        "I s'pose," she answered, pulling down her sleeves. "Can see why he wanted to go. Indi's a lot of fun."

        "Is it?" he asked curiously. Cassie nodded.

        "Fuck yeah. Better than this shit hole anyway," she chuckled breathlessly.

        "Anywhere's better than this place." The two laughed. "When have you been to Indi?" he questioned her, a cheeky tone coming through. Cassie opened her mouth before closing it again. She bit her tongue, thinking.

        "Passed through when we moved to Hawkins," shrugged Cassie, leaning back. "Heap of fun."

        As the car passed the Leaving Hawkins sign, The Clash's 'Should I Stay or Should I Go?' started to play.

        "Oh, The Clash? Dude, I love this song!" exclaimed Cassie, turning it up slightly.

        "Yeah?" asked Jonathan. Cassie nodded her head enthusiastically. "It's Will's favourite too."

        "Little dude's got taste," she said, leaning back in her seat as she clapped along to the beat, singing loudly. 

        Jonathan smiled slightly at Cassie's face, her lips turned up in a smile with her eyes closed. At the end of the song, Cassie sighed happily. Looking down at her feet, she spotted Jonathan's camera. She picked it up.

        "This yours?" she asked, holding it out to him. He nodded. "A photographer, huh? You any good?" Jonathan shrugged.

        "I like to think I'm alright," he replied. "I... don't like talking to people. I'd rather-"

        "Observe?" she finished, a smile tugging at her lips. Jonathan nodded.

        "Exactly. When you talk to people, sometimes what they're saying isn't actually what they mean. But, a picture, can say a lot about a person. A photo can capture their vulnerabilities and tell a story of their past and insecurities."

        Cassie stared at him in awe as he talked. She was pretty sure he hadn't ever said that much to her ever. But she was glad he did. The passionate glint in his eye as he talked made Cassie grin wildly. Hearing him talking about photography made her interested, and she wouldn't mind listening to Jonathan's soft voice tell her about it all day. 

CURIOUSER AND CURIOUSER | j. byersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن