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So The Story Ended off exactly the same as the anime series. Why'd I do that? Well, I planned to make a sequel. What sequel? You're already reading it. ^^ Surprise! XD I kind of temporarily stopped my horror book ^^ Isn't it amazing? Me? Stopping a book project which I had worked so hard on? XD Well, I guess I'll be continuing to make Fan fictions :^)

Reina's POV

Kojou: Reina? Will you please call your mother?

Reina: Sure thing, Dad.

So I went off happily to go and call Mom. She was probably outside training Moegi. Why am I this happy? Well, Dad just gave me permission to use my Familiars. Hah...The joy of being a Princess....I ran into Asagi on my way.

Asagi: Oh. Hey Reina.

Reina: Where's Moegi?

I said with a delightful smile.

Asagi: She's with Yukina at the Back.

Reina: Oh. Okie!! Thanks.

Asagi: Okay.

So I hopped my way to the Training yard. I saw Moegi struggling to carry her sword. I giggled slightly as I saw her fall down. I kind of feel bad for laughing. She still hasn't made Progress on being a Sword Shaman. While I sit here and watch her.

Reina: Hey Mom!! Dad's calling you!!

Yukina: Okay! Wait a minute!!

Moegi took a break as Mom left. She dropped her Sword and ran to me.

Moegi: Boy, Am I happy to see you!

She hugged me.

Reina: Woah. I wasn't away for even 30 minutes. What happened? You look like a volcano erupted on your face.

Moegi: The Sword is Freaking heavy! I couldn't even swing it properly!

She mumbled as she grabbed her lunch box and opened it. She later ate. I joined her.

My Feelings | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now