Time skip 4 years-

Nik is now 16 years old,He has now long black hairs with purple bangs with his hetrochromia.

From last four years,He has been sending fliers into the human world for some reasons.

That nobody knows expect him,Obviously.

He was currently standing in front of mirror in his room,He wore a black suit with white gloves,Proper noble outfit.

But why was he dressed up?For a devil gathering obviously.

As he walked to the hall,and he waved his hand at his parents"Yo,Mom Dad"

"Hi,Sweetie"Lady valefor greeted with a sweet smile

"Hey Brat,Where you going being dressed like that,Do you got any girlfriend"Lord valefor asked

"Its not like,I am going for a gathering today,You know boring things"Nik said

"We didn't get any invitations"Lady valefor said

"We did,I took it and It was for me so you two don't have to come"Nik said

"I wasn't even planning on going anywhere"Lord valefor replied lazily

"Well than i should be going now"As Nik made a magic circle and teleported away

As he reached the place and walked into the mansion,Many highclass devils were there attending the gathering.

Even sirjechs lucifer was there for gathering.

But the person who caught Nik's attention was a devil from Extra demon families.

Her name was kuisha abbadon.

She had long blonde hair with pony tail,She wore a noble dress.

As Nik walked towards"Hello,Miss"

"Nice to meer you,I am kuisha Abbadon"She introduced herself

"Well i should give my name too,I am Nik valefor,and Nice to meet a beauty like you"Nik said smilinh at her as she blushed a bit

"Nik valefor,I heared that name,You were born with highest magic power in this generation"Kuisha said as he shook his head"It doesn't matter what we are born with,We still need to work to achive it"

"You aren't arrogant as other devil who were born with exceptionally high demonic powers"Kuisha said

"There is no need for me to be arrogant on something that i didn't worked for,If a devil works hard even he can surpass a strong born devil,You can see lady Grafiya,She is also from extra demons,And see how strong she is,and nor she was born this strong,She got this strong aftering fightinh in wars"Nik said

"Yes she is my idol,I want to be like her,She is from extra demon like me and now she is strongest queen and my aim is to surpass her"Kuisha said

"You know that my dream is to be the strongest devil ever born,And I need strong companions as well who i can rely on,And you are a idol candidate for it"Nik said

"I too am looking for someone,Whom i can provide my services"Kuisha said

"What about me?Join me on my journey,I will help you reach your dream"Nik said

"I would love to join you"Kuisha said as nik took out his mutated queen

"Are you sure you want to use your mutated queen on me?You can find better options then me"Kuisha said and he shook his head"Yes maybe i can find someone stronger than you,But i can't find the same fire that you have in your eyes,And Its not a waste,You are the idol candidate for it,No you are perfect for it,So Kuisha abbadon will you be my queen"

"Y..Yes,My master Nik Valefor,I will serve you as your queen"She saud as nik places his queen piece inside her chest as she officially joined his peerage.

"I feel very stronger than before"Kuisha exclaimed

"You have effects of more than one queen pieces inside you,Thatswhy you are feeling like this"Nik explained

"Thank you lord Nik"Kuisha bowed as he stopped her and said"You are my queen not my maid,No need to bow,Stand beside your king,No need to bow down to anyone,You are queen of Nik valefor,Strongest devil ever born"

And the she hugged him but she then broke it"Sorry for that,I was just"

"No need for sorry,And who wouldn't want a girl as beautiful as you near him"Nik joked as gathering continoued

Thats it for the chapter

I never said i don't have other devices

In reality i just realised that wattpad can be used on mobile as well

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