i love you both.

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Billy shoved Steve into his closet "don't say a word. Got it?" Steve nodded and billy closed the doors to the closet quickly putting on his white tank top while his father bursted in.
"hargrove, where is max." billy gulped and spoke shakily "in her room sir." Neil spotted the cuffs that Steve had dropped. "What are those hargrove?" Billy looked down to the floor to a pair of fluffy black cuffs and had already came up with an excuse for it. "I was gonna use them on..uhm my girlfriend sir.." neil stared at billy "I'm glad you finally realized that you aren't a f@g." Neil walked out slamming the door and the front door. Steve got out of the closet gasping for air "what the hell was that?!" Billy looked at Steve "you shouldn't have came here harrington. My dads gonna be here for a whole week." Steve groaned and grabbed billy by his hips "cmon billy, who cares about your dad or-" Steve was cut off by a knock on the window and he was shocked to see who it was. Billy was pissed. Steve opened the window and yelled out "EDDIE?!" Eddie climbed in grabbing Steve by his cheeks "Steve please tell me what I did wrong I can fix it, I promise I'll be better" billy pulled Steve away from Eddie. "Dude back off?" Billy snarled at eddie. Steve was caught up between the two. He remembered every single moment with billy and Eddie. Eddie glared at billy "You again?!" Eddie growled at billy. Eddie smirked and said in a deep voice "you should've seen how Steve was begging me to keep going, he wanted my hands on his neck and-" eddie was interrupted by a punch straight to the face planted by billy. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Steve stood in between them "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP" eddie grabbed onto his nose "ME OR HIM STEVE?!" Steve was caught in a love triangle. He never wanted this he completely broke down and said "i can't choose. I love you both. but if I have to choose..it's gonna be.."
(Cliffhanger because I'm evil, who should Steve stay with? Billy or Eddie?)

we aren't gay (harringrove)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt