
The tears came pouring back. I was sobbing as I held his head to look at me. He still cracked a smile. I smiled back at him, cupping his cheek.

"You're gonna have to take care of Dustin for me okay? And he needs to take care of my little sheepies for me."

"No. You're gonna do that yourself!"

"Nope." His eyes stared into mine. His glowing brown eyes. "I really hate to flank on our date. Guess I'm missing out on Ralph Macchio huh?"

I shook my head and wiped away a tear. "We're going on that date. We are going on that date and you are going to eat those Sour Patch Kids."

"No, Jade. I'm not. But don't sit around for me. Live your life. Graduate for me."

"I will. I promise."

"I think it's my year Jaden. I think it's finally my year."

I shut my eyes and nodded with my face still in my hands.

"I love you, Miller."

"I love you too, Munson." I squeezed his hand in mine and as soon as I let go, I felt his weight drop on me. The glow in his brown eyes were gone. And so was he.

"Eddie? No no. Eddie, no. Come back. I know you're there, come back. Please! Don't leave me! You can't! Please!" I shook him and shook him but he didn't move. My head dropped down to his chest where I sat, sobbing into him. All the emotions I didn't feel for anyone until these last few days were gone in a blink of an eye.

Footsteps came from next to me and I looked up to see Dustin. His shoulders dropped.

"We have to help him. Please. Dustin, help him!"

Dustin walked over behind me and wrapped an arm over my shoulder and leaning his forehead on the other, sobbing. Eddie was gone. And for nothing.


"Jade! Are you still going? Hurry up!"

"Yes, Mom! I'll be down in a sec!"

I continued shoving a ton of unused clothes and toys into a box. I planned to sort it once I got to Nancy's.

My hand fell on something cold as I ran my fingers through the clothes hanging in my closet. It was Eddie's leather jacket from that night. I still dreamt about him. He never left my mind.

I put it on and put my hands in the pockets, feeling something else. I pulled out a necklace with his guitar pick on it. Closing it in my hand, I shoved it back in my pocket and took the box outside.

"I'm leaving! Love you!" I yelled before getting into the car.

Once I made it to the Wheelers' I opened the trunk and took out the box. I carried it over to where Steve, Robin, Nancy and Dustin were.

"Hi, Jade!" Dustin smiled and walked over to me.

"Hey, Dustin." I gave him a smile back.

"I got something for you."


He reached into his pocket and I could hear a wrapper crunch. He pulled out a pack of Sour Patch Kids and handed it to me. "I heard you guys in the RV. I know it's not much but I-"

I cut him off by taking it and pulling him into a hug. "Thank you, Dustin. I got something for you too." I took out the necklace and held it out to him. "Found it in the pocket. Figured you should have it." I flared my arm with my hand still in the pocket of the jacket and smiled. Dustin had a big grin on his face.

"Hey, Jaden! Bring that over here!" Robin waved me over to the trunk of what looked like Nancy's car. I walked over and started separating the items.

"Someone order a pizza?" Mrs. Wheeler walked towards us.

"Pizza?" Dustin chimed.

We looked down the driveway and saw a yellow pizza van pull up. Five people came out and two started hugging Dustin. They looked at me with confusion.

"I'm Jaden. Jade. Dustin's friend."

"I'm Will. This is El." The boy pointed to the girl next to him and she waved. "Where's Lucas?"

"He's at the hospital." Dustin answered.

"Was he hurt?" The girl spoke up.

"No. No, he's— Oh god. You don't know."


"Be careful." I shot to Dustin who was hopping and limping.

"I know. I know."

The school was crowded with people. Some students, some adults, some injured. There were stands on every corner of the gym.

"Hi. Uh— so these are blankets and sheets. And some... some clothes and... and some kid's toys." Robin greeted to the woman at one of the stands.

"Wow. It's already so organized. We appreciate that. Do you want a tax receipt for it?"

"Um.. No. I don't think that we need one. Thank you, though. But— is there anything else that we can do to help?"


"Okay, and then we sort by age. We've got infants, girls, boys, men, women— Oh, if anything is in too bad shape, we really don't want that." A different woman continued explaining to Steve and I. After a few minutes we were sorting things pretty easily.

"Hey, uh— how are you holdin' up?" Steve popped up next to me.


"I mean— with everything that's happening. And... I know you and Eddie got close."

"Oh. Yeah um— I'm better." I forced a smile since Steve and I never really talked much. "We were supposed to—it's stupid but um.. we were gonna go on a date. And now that I think about it I told him it would be at his place, which is now in shreads." I chuckled.

"Speaking of shreads, he really shredded that guitar. I could hear it pretty clear from wear I was." Steve smiled.

"Yeah, he did." I thought about the pick and looked up to see Dustin across the room. I remembered the candy he gave me which was still in my pocket. "Hey— do you want some Sour Patch Kids? Dustin gave some to me and I still have them."

"God no. I hate those. Taste like battery acid."

"Really? You gotta try the red one at least." I opened the bag and found a red one, holding it in front of him.

"No. I stayed away from them since I first tried them in middle school. Never making that mistake again."

"C'mon! Try the red!"


"Nope. Red. Open up!" He opened his mouth and I tossed it at him which he caught.

"Fine, I guess they're okay. Your turn." He took one out of the bag and tossed it at me and I caught it, immediately scrunching up my face.

"Eugh. Yellow." I laughed through my watery eyes from the sourness and Steve laughed as well before taking another one and eating it. We both got back to work, taking a candy here and there.

ayo that plot twist??? LMAO idk i couldnt pass up on the sour patch kids🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways that's the end of this fanfic i guess?? if season 5 is relevant to this then i might update but for now thank you for reading!


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