Chapter 1 - 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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———- 𝑀𝒾𝓁𝒶𝓃, 𝐼𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓎 ———

Claire : How do you feel sweetie? Your wedding is tomorrow!!
Marissa : Anxious..
Claire : Anxious? perché? (Why?)
Marissa : What if things go wrong?
Claire : They won't!! Don't you worry sweetie.
Marissa : I'm gonna go check if all of my things are packed for the honeymoon..
Claire : Go on..

I went to my room and locked the door behind me. I made sure my mom wasn't too close before calling Fabio.

-phone call-

Fabio : Baby?
Marissa : I'm all packed.
Fabio : That means we're going with our plan?
Marissa : Yes I can't do this...
Fabio : I'll meet you tonight. I'll be parked around the corner of your house at midnight.
Marissa : I'll be there.
Fabio : Ti amo! (I love you)
Marissa : Anch'io ti amo..(I love you too)

Alessandro's House

Leonardo : Ready to tie the knot bro?
Alessandro : Absolutely ready! I can't believe it's almost time.
Leonardo : I still think you're too young.
Alessandro : Maybe but when you're in love you do crazy things.
Leonardo : Wish I could relate.
Alessandro : You'll find someone one day bro.
Leonardo : Yeah I guess so.


I checked my clock and it was already midnight. I looked outside and saw Fabio pull up.

I took off my shoes so I wouldn't make any noise and wake up my parents. I got my suitcase and quietly went downstairs. As silently as I could I opened the door and closed it.
Once I was outside I ran to Fabio.

Marissa : Let's go!!

He quickly put my suitcase in the truck and we drove away.

Marissa : What now?
Fabio : Want to know my plan?
Marissa : Okay
Fabio : Let's get married! That way we'll be tied to each other. I have an apartment in Florence. The paperwork is finished. It's ready for us to move in. What do you say?
Marissa : I say....let's do it!!

And that's how it went. Even though the car ride took about four hours we did it. We came to Florence and got married..

The Next Morning

Claire : -knock- Marissa, it's your big day honey! -knock- Are you still asleep?! -walks in- Marissa!! Mar- Oh my god!

I opened the door of her bedroom but she wasn't there.

Claire : Roberto!! Come here!!
Roberto : What's going on?
Claire : She's not here!!
Roberto : Let me call her.
Claire : -sigh-

"Please leave a message for-

Roberto : Voicemail..
Claire : Oh my- if she doesn't show up what are we going to tell them?!
Roberto : Calm down, let's not panic yet. Let's get ready, go to the venue and wait. If she doesn't show up we'll tell them we don't know what's going on. Okay?
Claire : Si...(yes)

𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒, 𝐼𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓎

Fabio : What's wrong?
Marissa : I feel bad for Alessandro. He has real feelings for me. Should I call and say I'm not showing up?
Fabio : Whatever happens it's going to be bad enough..
Marissa : Oh my god-

Suddenly I got nauseous. I stood up and ran to the bathroom to throw everything out.

Fabio : Marissa!!
Marissa : I'm fine..
Fabio : No you're not you're throwing up! You should go see a doctor!
Marissa : ....

Wedding Venue

Ana : Oh I'm so happy for you! You're getting married!!
Alessandro : Thank you ma.
Ana : Oh the in laws are here!! That must mean the bride is here!

Everyone store at the car that was parked at the front of the entrance but it was just the brides parents. No bride was seen.

Alessandro : Where's Marissa..?
Claire : Oh she's not here..?
Ana : Shouldn't she be with you?
Roberto : She said she'd get here on her own..
Alessandro : She's not coming is she..?
Claire : ....

To be continued...

Authors note
Thank you guys for giving my story a chance. Chapters will be longer. This is the first one that's why it's short. I hope you'll keep reading. :)

𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now