chapter one.

681 12 1

bold: flashbacks

normal: present

word count: 604


Hope Potter 11 years old looking nervously at the train it was going to be her first year at hogwarts, she looked up at her mum "mummy what if i don't get gryffindor?" said the little girl. "don't worry sweatheart we will love you either way" said her mum.


Those where lies if she knew then would she ask that again? No. Would she be alive? No.

Hope Potter typical fifteen year old has had that same dream for four years she would call it a nightmare.

"Potter, Hope" little Hope sat on the stool facing the great hall she was shaking.

what if she didn't get gryffindor what would happen.

"Hm another Potter. You are capable of amazing things. Hm loyal, but not a hufflepuff. smart but not a ravenclaw. brave but very cunning. hm you would do amazing in  gryffindor but better be SLYTHERIN" the hat finished Slytherins cheered the girl stood up and walked towards her table with a smile mum and dad would still love me right?

wrong. abuse, abuse, and more abuse.

Hope shot up of the bed only to find her loving boyfriend, Regulus Black next to her, she stared at him with a smile.

"You're staring, kitten" said Regulus with his morning voice.

"How can i not stare when you're so hot?" asked Hope as she got up and walked over to the bathroom. She heard a grunt and then Regulus walked in the bathroom grabbing his toothbrush and brushing his teeth. The couple finally finished getting ready.

"I don't wanna go to potions" groaned Hope as she was putting her robes on. "Come on kitten you know you have to" said Regulus as he struggled to tie his tie Hope came up and stood between his legs as she tied his tie.

They walked together hand in hand towards the great hall as they sat with the group. "Hey ladies, gentlemen" they all greeted her back "Hey Hope so you slept with Regulus huh?" said Narcissa who was Hope's best friend since they where young.

"Not like that Cissy, you and Lucius where pretty loud though" said Hope as she innocently look a bite out of her waffle meanwhile Lucius chocked on his drink. "If you guys have a girl name her after me and Bella" said Hope as she grabbed Regulus' hand and placed it in her inner thigh.

"We are not having kids" said Narcissa as she continued eating her food. "Hey Cissy what taste better those eggs you're eating or Lucius?" asked Bellatrix as she and the whole group broke down laughing.

"I wanna skip class" said Hope as she rested her head on Regulus' shoulder. "Same Hopey but this one won't let me" said Bellatrix as she pointed at Narcissa. Bellatrix was known as the mean sister but she had a soft spot for the girl well literally the whole group did.

"Love, you know you can't skip class" said Regulus as he rested his head against his girlfriend's.

"you're a disappointment" yelled Mrs. Potter as she slapped her daughter. she thought she would be welcomed with open arms but no she was welcomed with slap after slap kick after kick. the only place she felt safe was at hogwarts it was her home.

"Kitten?" said Regulus as he waved a hand infront of his lover. "Huh what where are the others" said a confused Hope. "They left for class what's wrong kitten" asked Regulus. "memories and they're not good ones" said Hope as Regulus kissed her forehead and helped her get up to head to class more specifically the class she hated.

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