All of you (hangman)

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Summary: Jake's had a stressful day at work. His stress relief? Quality time with you.

Warning: Insecurities about stretch marks, PURE JAKE FLUFF

Jake dropped his duffle bag with a sigh. He hung up his keys on the hook near the door and began to unlace his boots. He slipped off his shoes before setting off to find you. You were on the couch, so enthralled with the book you were reading that your glasses were slipping down your nose. Jake shuffled into the living room, stopping at the back of the couch. "Hey babe, how was your-" You were cut off as Jake swung himself over the couch, deciding he was too tired to take the few extra steps around it.

Jake collapsed on top of you, resting his head on your chest. He wrapped his arms around your form, inhaling the smell of you. You giggled as you turned to put your book down on the coffee table. You rested one hand on his shoulder, the other rubbed gentle circles on his back. "Rough day?" You ask as Jake's grip around your middle tightens. "Mmmmm" He groans against you. " hair..." his plea was muffled by your shirt. You raise your eyebrows, "Hmm?" You hum in question. "Do that thing with my hair..." He whines, burying his face further into the fabric of your shirt. You chuckle as you work your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. You begin to gently scrape your nails against his scalp, earning a moan of appreciation. While one hand stays at the nape of his neck, the other runs repeatedly through the dark blonde locks at the top of his head. You shifted slightly, pulling yourself up to lean against the arm of the couch. "Do you want to talk about it?" You ask, dropping a kiss to the top of his head. "Maverick made us grrhhmm..." the end of his sentence was lost in a mumble against your breasts. Jake smiled at the soothing vibrations coming from your laugh. "He what?" You ask, leaning back to look at him. Jake turned his head so his cheek was pressed against your chest. "He made us do pushups if we lost a dogfight. I think I did like... 400... my arms hurrrrtttt...." He whines, squeezing your middle.

"Babe, I'm sorry, do you wanna go take a hot shower? I can order a pizza..." Your suggestion trails off as he shakes his head against you. "No.... wanna stay here..." he grumbles. An idea strikes you. "Do you wanna take a bath?" Jake raises his head and looks into your eyes. His brows raise in an unspoken question. You giggle and drop another kiss to his head. "I'll join you." Jake shoots up off the couch, rushing up the stairs before you can even blink. You shake your head and chuckle, getting to your feet. "Hey gorgeous, where do you keep that fancy bath oil?" Jake calls from the bathroom. The sound of running water greets you as you climb the stairs. "Bottom left drawer." You answer, stepping through the door. Jake is sitting on the edge of the tub, hand trailing through the water to monitor it's temperature. "Will you come check the water?" He asks, extending his hand. You grasp his hand and he pulls you into his lap. You dip your hand in. "Perfect." You concur, standing. After you and Jake had gotten rid of your clothes, Jake sinks into the water. Once he's settled, you join him, slipping into the space between his legs and resting your back against his chest. Jake plants a kiss on your shoulder. "Thank you... for this." He mumbles against the bare skin of your neck. Jake's hand trail up your thighs, stopping at your hips. His fingers trace the stretch marks that paint your skin. You squirm at his touch, scooting away. "Y/n..." Jake sighs, running a hand through your wet hair. "You're beautiful," Jake's voice is nothing but sincere as his kisses your cheek. You lean into his touch once more. "You don't hate them?" You ask trailing your own fingers across the textured skin at your hips. "They're natural, and they're a part of you. Of course I don't hate them." Your heart swells with pure adoration. "I love you." You whisper, turning to look at him. "I love you too," Jake replies. "All. Of. You." Each word is punctuated with a kiss. 

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